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Grading in Moodle

Biolab > Training > Grading

JAA Grading

A.  Important JAA Information:

  • Instructors are required to grade the JAA using the Moodle rubric.
  • Please review the JAA example.
  • Students DO submit their JAA on the correct submission date. They can edit a submission (upload a new version of the assignment)Opens in new window before the due date.
  • Students DO turn in a printed copy of the article they used to complete the assignment. They have already uploaded it during Lab 1 but a printed copy often has highlights and notes that help you check for plagiarism.
  • Students DO NOT turn in a printed copy of the JAA.
  • Incorrect article - will not be graded
  • Q & A format:    
    • Return to student if the student didn't list the question #s but instead wrote an essay.
    • They have 24 hours to resubmit without missing points.    
  • Up to one week late BUT it will be worth only 50% of the points earned; after that, no late work will be accepted.   
  • 1101L/2227L:
    • Plagiarism - 12 questions overall:
      • 4 questions or less - take off all points for that question regardless of the amount of plagiarism.
      • 5 or more questions:
        1. go to the writing center tutor (student makes an appointment);
        2. the instructor must receive confirmation from the tutor after the appointment has been completed
        3. resubmit JAA in their own words (3 business days after the time/date you sent your email)
        4. 10% off points earned
  • 1102L:
    • Plagiarism - 12 questions overall (2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6b, 6C, 6D, 7):
      • 6 questions or less - take off all points for that question regardless of the amount of plagiarism
      • 7 or more questions:
        1. make an appointment with University Tutoring;
        2. the instructor must receive confirmation from the tutor after the appointment has been completed
        3. resubmit JAA in their own words (3 business days after the time/date you sent your email)
        4. 10% off points earned

B. Directions for using the JAA Moodle Rubric (Steps 1-8):

  1. Click on 'UPLOAD Journal Article Assignment (JAA)’
  2. Select your section from 'Visible groups' drop-down,
  3. Click on the orange 'Grade' button at the bottom of the page  
  4. The Moodle rubric is on the right side of the grading window under the ‘Grade’ heading:  
  5. You will need to scroll down and over to see the entire rubric.  
  6. Select a cell for each grading criterion.  
    • - You will not be able to click the ‘Save changes’ button (at the bottom) until you have selected a cell for each criterion.  
    • - You can add feedback for each criterion (last column, scroll right). - You can add feedback for the entire JAA (bottom, scroll down).  
  7. Once you have graded the entire JAA, click on the ‘Save changes’. Moodle will automatically total your criterion cell selection.
  8.  Click on ‘Save and show next’ to grade the next student’s JAA submission: