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Using DubBot

How to find errors and correct them

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DubBot provides quality checks - accessibility, misspellings, broken links, readability,  etc. 

Accessibility - common errors


Image has no description (alt text)

Add descriptions (alt text) for the image in the media library.

The process is shown in the Upload Media tutorial


'Click HERE' used in link text and URL used as link text

The text of a link should be descriptive. A user should have an idea of what they will see when they click on a link.

More information on writing link text


Link does not have readable (discernible) link text

This is likely because you have made an image into a link and the image doesn't have a description. Common instances include Slider and Picture Links Menu content types.


Elements must have sufficient color contrast

This warning is often triggered by color issues inside of embedded objects, i.e. Google forms, Twitter feeds, and other systems that provide embed codes. 

You will need to go to the system or service that provided the embed code and make alteration there. 


Frames must have an accessible name

This warning is usually triggered by embedded objects, i.e. Google forms, Twitter feeds, and other systems that provide embed codes.

Embedded code uses what are called iframes. Iframes need titles, but services that generate embed codes rarely include them.

The embed code may look like this:

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHQ2V02DPQ9aAc3OOFNziYFmLHxVdDgoAT2PRctznGcvAT6A/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1346" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>

Add a title:

<iframe title="Web training form"  src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHQ2V02DPQ9aAc3OOFNziYFmLHxVdDgoAT2PRctznGcvAT6A/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1346" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>


Broken Links

You will need to find the correct URLs for the highlighted links and change them on your web pages.

Occasionally, DubBot will consider a link to a login screen to be broken because it can't log in.


Web Governance

Web Governance refers to policies that are set at the university level. They find specific issues that are not covered in the other areas.

Some examples:

Word 'image' used in image description

It's best that the word 'image' not appear in descriptions (alt text). It is redundant, the screenreader will inform the user that it is an image.


Repeating words in content

Typing small words twice is a common error. Duplicates like 'to to' or 'the the' are found with this checker.


Arts & Letters should be Arts and Letters

They no longer use the ampersand.