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Content Area Specialist Abby


Anthropology and Writing Support Specialist

ANTH 1100, 1102, 2203, 2230 and 2234

Hello! My name is Abby, and I am a junior majoring in Anthropology with minors in Art History as well as
Geotechnology. I work as a tutor for a number of Anthropology department courses, so I am always
available to try and help you work through whatever you are struggling with! In my free time, I love to
read, and I also bake a ton of yummy treats to share with others!

Math and Content Support Specialist

Ashley C.

Chemistry and Math Support Specialist

CHEM 1111

MATH 1108/P, 1143/P, 1144, 1147, 1160 and 1170

MGT 1116

Hello! My name is Ashley and I am a Biochemistry major here at ISU. In my free time I love reading, painting, singing, and playing the guitar. I'm so excited to work with you!

Content Area Specialist Avery


Philosophy Support Specialist

PHIL 1101 and 2201

Hi folks! My name is Avery, and I'm a junior here at ISU! I'm majoring in philosophy with a pre-law concentration but also pursuing a minor in linguistics, so you could say I have a wide range of interests. This semester I'm tutoring PHIL 2201, Introduction to Logic. Outside of tutoring, you'll probably find me reading, running far too much, or attempting to learn guitar halfheartedly. Mostly, I'll be trying to wrap my head around the many ideas that have blown my mind. 

Math Tutor Aviv


Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108. 1143. 1144 and 1147

Hi! My name is Aviv! I love video games, reading, and group activities. I enjoy teaching others because it allows me to provide help to students who may feel more comfortable working with a peer. Come in and say hi so we can get to know each other better and get you that A!
Math Support Specialist Bektur


Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108/P, 1123/P, 1143/P, 1144, 1147, 1160, 1170

MGT 1116

Hello everyone, I am an international student majoring in Computer Science. I am ready to provide any assistance with math content!

Math Support Specialist Brendan


Content and Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108/P, 1123/P, 1143/P, 1144, 1147, 1160, 1170

MGT 1116

SPAN 1101

Hello! I am a current undergraduate student at ISU, pursuing a major in Spanish and planning minors in mathematics, linguistics, and business. I enjoy studying other languages and learning. I am happy to help with math questions you might have!

Content Area Specialist Cameron


Geology, Japanese, and Math Support Specialist

GEOL 1100

JAPN 1101

MATH 1108/P, 1143/P 1144, 1147 and 1170

Hello, I'm an English major here at ISU, but I am also minoring in Japanese and Music. Right now, I am playing the violin for my minor, but I also enjoy playing the piano and Euphonium. I also like to watch movies, but when it comes to doing something active, I go with either Tennis or Ice Skating.

Content Tutor Catherine


Chemistry and Math Support Specialist

CHEM 1100, 1101 and 1111; MATH 1143 and 1144

Hello everyone! My name is Catherine, and I am a Math and Chemistry tutor at ISU. My goal is for everyone to understand the material, be more confident in their skills, and leave the center with a smile on their faces. I hope to teach you the core lesson that will be useful beyond the classroom, and into the future. If you like simple, fun examples, come meet up with me. 
Math Tutor Eli


Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108, 1123, 1143, 1144 and 1170

Eli is a secondary education major with endorsements in Mathematics and Political Science. They enjoy geography games, coffee of any kind, and rainy days.

Content Area Specialist Elvira


Spanish Support Specialist

SPAN 1101, 1102, 2201, 2202, 2210

Hello there! My name is Elvira but you can call me Viri if you'd like. I am striving for a major in radiographic science and a minor in Spanish. I thrive in science and anything related to health care because the world is fascinating and I love helping those in it! I'd love to help you succeed in any way that I can. I enjoy socializing with others and I am always eager to meet new people. I can strike up a conversation on almost any topic and I'd like to think I'm relatively easy-going. Don't believe me? Book an appointment with me and find out :)

Writing Tutor Fred


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

My name is Fred Gray. I have been working in education since I graduated college in 2018. As a writing tutor who has been with ISU for three years, I am able to help you with any written assignment you may encounter. When not hard at work helping students improve their writing, I enjoy personal writing, reading, philosophizing, and playing board games of various kinds. While I currently hold three B.A. degrees, I hope to pursue an advanced degree (e.g., an M. Ed. or a Master’s in Philosophy) to help make me a better teacher, tutor, and human being.


Content Tutor Gina


Chemistry, Math and Physics Support Specialist

CHEM 1100, 1101

MATH 1108/P, 1143/P

PHYS 1111

Hello all, my name is Gina and I'm a 2nd year Doctor of Physical Therapy student. I tutor Introduction to Chemistry, General Physics 1, Intermediate and College Algebra. I like to horseback ride, play video games, read, and watch movies. I like to talk and geek about chemistry and hobbies. 

Writing Tutor Hadley


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

Hi! My name is Hadley Bodell, and I'm a Communications major in Multi-Platform journalism here at Idaho State in Pocatello. I love playing all sports, especially volleyball, tennis, running, and golf. Some of my hobbies include swimming, hiking, reading, crafting, and recently rock climbing at the wall here on campus! I'm available for tutoring in ENGL 1101 and 1102 classes, as well as any other writing classes or subjects you're taking with essay or paper writing projects you'd like some help with. I'm at the writing center Mondays 3-5, Tuesdays 3-4, Wednesdays 2-5, and Thursdays from 1-2. I can't wait to start working with you, so please stop in, schedule an appointment with me, or just come say hi!

Content Area Specialist Kade


Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108, 1143, 1144, 1147 and 1170

I am studying Finance with a minor in Statistics. I feel like my strength academically is math and I genuinely enjoy it! My hobbies include basketball, hiking, and gaming! I love having conversations with people and I feel like I can talk about pretty much anything and everything! 

Writing Tutor Kaitlyn


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

I am currently in my Junior Year here at ISU and am getting my BA in Secondary Education as well as in English on the Literary Track. I plan on teaching English at the high school level once I have finished my education here at ISU, and going on to complete my masters. I have loved being able to learn about literature and especially being able to write about it. I enjoy reading and crafting (crocheting, knitting, and embroidery especially) and have two cats and a dog back home. I look forward to meeting you and helping you to meet your own goals here at ISU.

Math Suppport Specialist Karlee


Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108/P, 1123/P, 1143/P, 1144, 1147, 1153, 1160, 1170

Hi everyone! I am a freshman majoring in pre-pharmacy. I love to watch movies and take naps in my free time.. but who doesn't?! This semster I'm tutoring for many math courses and hope to be able to help you with what you need!

Content Area Specialist Katrina


Chemistry, CPH, Geology and Sociology Support Specialist

CHEM 1100, 1101, 1111 and 1112

CPH 2210

GEOL 1100

SOC 1101

My name is Katrina and I am getting my bachelor's degree in Biology with a concentration in Ecology. I am passionate about sustainability, resource management, and the greater outdoors! Pursuing a degree is difficult, but I believe in every student's ability to achieve stellar grades and maintain the confidence to stay outside of their comfort zone.

Writing Tutor Konnor


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

My name is Konnor Whitfield. I am a student at ISU majoring in Philosophy and English (with a concentration in creative writing). I love the study of language as a whole and have specific interests in the Philosophy of Language and how we use things like metaphor, sarcasm, dog whistles, and other figures of speech. I also enjoy writing as a hobby and write everything from fantasy and horror to creative nonfiction. I have lived in Eastern Idaho for my entire life. I was born in Blackfoot and have spent the majority of the rest of my life between Idaho Falls and Teton Valley. Some things I enjoy are video games, traveling (I have been to Belize, China, and Romania in the past), and I am a pretty big foodie (both in interest and size).

Writing Support Specialist Lindi


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

Hey! My name is Lindi, and I am an English major with concentrations in Creative Writing and Literature and a minor in Linguistics. This is my second year at ISU, and I love exploring everything it has to offer. In my free time, I love to read, hike, peruse Spotify, and travel whenever I can. I'm here to help you with any paper, piece of creative writing, or writing that you want to be looked at. Welcome to University Tutoring!

Writing Tutor Mandi


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

Hello Folks! My name is Mandi (she/her) and I’m a junior studying Social Work with a minor in Sign Language Studies and Gender/Sexuality Studies! I highly value safe spaces in tutoring, so that all students feel comfortable and welcome during our sessions. It is important to me that you feel open to asking about any writing assignment and any hurdles you may be facing in your classes. When I’m not tutoring or in class, I’m usually reading, listening to music, or playing video games.

Content Area Specialist Mavity


Music Support Specialist

MUSC 1102 and 1104

Mavity Shaw is a sophomore Music Major at ISU. She loves Tchaikovsky, knitting, and good conversation. 

Math professor and tutor Mike


Math Professor

MATH 90, 1108, 1143, 1144, 1147, 1153, 1160, 1170, 1175, 1199, 2240, 3350 and 3360

I began teaching Mathematics at ISU on the Idaho Falls campus in Fall of 2010.  My first teaching assignment as a graduate student consisted of teaching two sections of an introductory algebra class.  I fell in love with explaining mathematical concepts that semester and I have been teaching ever since.  My hobbies are gardening and computer gaming.

Mike is also a faculty member in the ISU Math Department and provides in-person support on our Idaho Falls campus and is also available by Zoom.

Math Tutor Nathan


Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108, 1143, 1144, 1147 and 1170

Hi! I'm Nathan, I am currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in nuclear engineering. My hobbies include music, gaming, and reading. I primarily tutor math and have found it extremely fun and fulfilling.

Math Tutor Noah

Noah D.

Math Support Specialist

MATH 1108, 1143, 1144 and 1147

Hello! My name is Noah. I'm a double major in mathematics and physics. I'm happy to help anyone with any level of math.

Math Tutor Pageant


Math Professor

MATH 90, 1108, 1123, 1143, 1144, 1147, 1153, 1160, 1170, 1175, 1199 and 2257

Pageant is a faculty member in the ISU Math Department and provides in-person support on our Idaho Falls campus and is also available by Zoom.

Content Area Specialist Paul


Biology, Math, Spanish and Writing Specialist

BIOL 1101

MATH 1108/P, 1143/P, and 1153/P

SPAN 1101, 1102, 2201, and 2202

Writing: All subject areas

Hello! I work in the math and writing center here on campus. A few things about me are that I love helping other students, I'm studying abroad next fall, and my major is Finance. Feel free to schedule with me to receive the best help!

Math Tutor Randy


Math Professor

MATH 90, 1108, 1123, 1143, 1144, 1147, 1153, 1160, 1170, 1175, 1199, 2240, 2275, 3326, 3360 and 4408

Randy is a faculty member in the ISU Math Department and provides in-person support on our Idaho Falls campus and is also available by Zoom.

Writing Tutor Remy


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

I’m Remy and I’m studying English Literature at ISU. I love making jewelry, playing board games, and reading in my free time. I looked forward to meeting you!
Content Area Specialist Sam


American Sign Language Support Specialist

CSD 1151

My name is Samuel Wadsworth, Sam is totally fine! I am an American Sign Language tutor and I am pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and will be continuing on towards my Masters in Deaf Education after I graduate. Back in August of 2022, I was diagnosed as Hard of Hearing and was given a pair of some lovely stylish hearing aids (pun intended), which has been my fuel to learn ASL since I don't know if or when I will become deaf. ASL is such a fun language, I love everything about it! So, please come on over and sign with me, we will have a ton of fun and it will be a blast!! Apart from ASL, I enjoy music, hiking, camping, reading, and hanging out with my wife and 3 boys (soon to be 4)! Come sign with me, and we can have the most loud quiet conversation you have ever had!!
Writing Tutor Sofia


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

My name is Sofia. I am majoring in Finance and minoring in English Literature and Mathematics. I love playing piano, and bass guitar in my free time. I also love meeting new students and participating in school events. I am very excited to start helping students this semester!

Writing Support Specialist Tomilayo


Writing Support Specialist

All Subject Areas

I am Tomilayo Lawanson, a graduate fellow in the English department at ISU. I obtained a master’s degree in English Literature with a focus on prison literature and the ways in which language and literature can be used as tools to promote social justice and challenge oppressive systems. I enjoy reading, watching movies, and meeting new people. I am also excited to be a tutor at the Writing Center and enthusiastic about the possibilities that await. 

Content Area Specialist Zoe


French Content Support Specialist

FREN 1101, 1102, 2101, 2102, 3101 and 3202

Hi! My name is Zoe and I'm from Belgium! I'm in Sports Management (coaching emphasis) with the goal of becoming a personal trainer in the future. I've also been a part of the Idaho State Soccer team for 3 years now and I enjoy it. I love spending time outside, playing sports, or reading a good book. I am super excited to be given the opportunity to help other students learn my native language: French! I can't wait to meet with you :)