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What is TRIO? 

TRIO is a set of federally-funded college opportunity programs that motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in their pursuit of a college degree.  TRIO programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for educational access and retention. TRIO programs provide direct support services for students.

This is 3 separate photos, one has students on the giant orange chair at ISU, the second is of friends giving in the TRIO/CAMP space, and the third is of students at a climbing/ropes course.


Pre-College Youth Programs

The Pre-College Youth programs are designed specifically for students attending target high schools throughout Southeast Idaho. Students enrolled in these programs will obtain resources to support them in discovering, planning and financing their potential careers after high school. Resources include academic planning, tutoring, financial aid support, college entrance exam preparation and much more. 




Upward Bound Programs (UB/UMBS)

The TRIO Upward Bound and Math Science Upward Bound programs serve students from nine area high schools. During the academic year, UB/UBMS offers tutoring on bimonthly Saturdays and advising on a weekly basis. Students live on the ISU campus for six weeks, taking college preparation coursework in a residential program environment and take college preparation coursework. A special emphasis for UBMS is exposure to STEM career paths. Eligible seniors can participate in internships, dual enrollment courses, and ISU’s Bengal Bridge program.


Educational Talent Search (ETS)

The TRIO ETS program is designed to help 8th-12th grade students discover opportunities while in high school and enroll in college. TRIO ETS staff visit high schools weekly, providing college preparation, advising, exposure to college campuses through TRIO ETS field trips, and tutoring services. ISU TRIO ETS serves 17 high schools from Wendell to the Idaho Falls area.


Pre-College Adult Programs

These programs are designed for those over the age of 19 who want to pursue higher education at the college, university, or career technical school of their choice, but don't know where to start



Veterans Program (VUB)

The TRIO Veterans program assists first-generation and income-limited veterans who are interested in pursuing a Technical Certificate, associate's degree, or a bachelor’s degree at the college/university of their choice. TRIO Veterans staff support students with any aspect of their educational attainment.


Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)

The TRIO EOC program provides academic advising and assistance with financial aid to adults who want to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education, return to college, or earn a GED. The program is available free of charge with walk-in locations in Twin Falls, Burley, and Jerome.


Educational Opportunity Center - Eastern (EOC-E) 

The TRIO Educational Opportunity Center - Eastern offers a variety of resources designed to help adults through the education process, including entering or returning to college, earning a high school credential, or transferring from a two-year to a four-year program. EOC-E has locations in Pocatello and Idaho Falls that serve the counties of Bannock, Bingham, Bonneville, Fremont, Jefferson, Power, and Madison.


 Collegiate Programs

These programs are designed for individuals already enrolled in classes at Idaho State University. These programs give vital resources to student to help them throughout their college experience. 


McNair Scholars Program

The TRIO McNair Scholars program assists eligible first-generation, limited income, and/or underrepresented students in their final two years of their undergraduate degree with the academic and professional development goal of attaining a research based doctoral degree.


Student Support Services (SSS)

The TRIO SSS program provides proactive advising, tutoring, financial guidance, college-to-career connections, and overall academic and social support to help first-generation, limited income students and students with disabilities throughout their postsecondary education to completion of a bachelor's degree. Participants must be ISU students and have a need for program services. The nation's first one-stop student support center. 

Contact Us


(208) 282-3242

(208) 282-4864


Mailing Address:  921 South 8th Ave, Stop 8345 Pocatello, ID 83209

Main Office Physical Location: Idaho State University - Museum Building Room 446

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