Driving/Parking Instructions
NOTICE- The Testing Center will be moving to Albion Hall, January 2025.
In-person ALEKS will continue to be offered in Graveley Hall, South Hall (Room 351) from January 2-17 on a walk in basis. Starting January 21, all testing including ALEKS will be held in the new Albion Hall Testing Center.
Directions to Testing Center new Albion Hall location starting January 21, 2025:
From Idaho Falls, drive South on I-15 until you get to Pocatello. Continue on I-15 to the Clark Street/Idaho State University exit (number 69).
From Utah, drive North on I-15 until you get to Pocatello. Continue on I-15 to the Clark Street/Idaho State University exit (number 69).
Exit I-15 and follow Clark Street west for approximately 5 blocks then turn left at the stop light on 15th/Memorial Drive. Follow Memorial Drive, approximately 4 blocks, to Stacy Dragila Way. Turn left onto Stacy Dragila Way and drive straight (between the ICCU dome and the practice field) until you have the option to turn right into a small parking lot and drive straight until you get to the parking signs that say Testing Center Parking Only. The Testing Center Parking will be located right by the North entrance of Albion Hall.
The parking spots are for paid vendor testing candidates. Students will need to park in the general parking lot or in the free parking in the Northeast corner of the ICCU Dome.
For testing on Monday through Friday, vendor testing candidates will then need to proceed to the testing center by entering the North entrance of Albion Hall to get a parking pass to put in your car. Return to the testing center after putting the parking pass on your dashboard.
Go to isu.edu/maps and search Albion Hall for directions to our new location.