Teaching and Educational Studies Department Faculty and Staff

Amanda Eller, PhD
Department Chair | Clinical Professor
Office: College of Education, Twin Falls, Hepworth 117 A, CSI Campus

Cory Bennett, PhD
Office: College of Education 108 D

Corey Bartle, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office: Idaho Falls TAB 332

Suzanne Beasterfield
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office: College of Education 226 B

Jenn Gallup, PhD
Associate Professor of Special Education
Office: College of Education 107 D

Shu-Yuan Lin, EdD
Clinical Professor / Instructional Materials Center Coordinator
Office: College of Education 108 F

Celal Perihan, PhD
Associate Professor
Office: College of Education, 108 C

Jill Radford, EdS
Clinical Instructor of Deaf Education
Office: College of Education 226 C

Beverly Ray, PhD
Office: College of Education 107 C

Allison Roxburgh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Office: College of Education 107E

Wendy Ruchti, PhD
Associate Professor
Office: College of Education 107 B
Michelle Schroeder, MEd
Associate Lecturer
Office: College of Education 230

Joanne Toevs, MEd
Clinical Instructor
Office: College of Education 226 A

Kaywin Cottle
Clinical Instructor
Office: College of Education, Twin Falls, Hepworth 144 B, CSI Campus
Teaching and Educational Studies Staff

Karen Ludwig
Advising Coordinator
Office: College of Education, Kent Center 210
Ask me about: Advising questions, teacher certification

Estee Pollard
Advising Coordinator
Office: College of Education, Kent Center 209
Ask me about: Advising questions, teacher certification

Mona Heern, MEd
Field Experience Coordinator
Office: College of Education, Kent Center 203
Ask me about: Student teaching placements, cooperating teachers

Raylene Houck
Administrative Assistant I
Office: College of Education, Kent Center 215

Mahlet Asfaw
Administrative Assistant I
Office: College of Education, Kent Center 215