March Spotlight: Idaho Falls Student Affairs Team
March 1, 2021
It is truly amazing to see the synergy present as our Student Affairs departments at ISU-Idaho Falls continue to meet the needs of our campus community.
Student Activities Board – Idaho Falls (SAB-IF)
Our Student Activities Board – Idaho Falls has done a spectacular job coming up with out-of-the box ideas to offer our students 24 events in fall semester, with a similar number planned for spring. Their fun online trivia competitions and events “In a Box/To Go” ideas have allowed them to safely serve students on campus and to reach many online students who might not otherwise have participated, Covid-19 notwithstanding. Several of these ideas (Movie Night in a Box, Carnival to Go, etc.) will continue even after campus returns to some level of normality.
Idaho Falls Counseling, Testing and Career Services
Has it really been almost a year from when our jobs (and lives) required us to find creative ways to adapt and serve students? Along with everyone else, Idaho Falls Counseling, Testing, and Career Services have transitioned multiple times over the past 11 months, finding new ways to connect and offer services to students.
In addition to our regular services, a Connection group has recently been created for faculty and staff members. Staying connected in the age of COVID is extremely difficult. The Counseling and Testing Service offers support meetings each week for ISU staff and faculty who would like the opportunity to connect with other employees. This is a time to share the joys and challenges we face during this unprecedented time. The group meets on Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 p.m. via Zoom. You can register for the group by clicking HERE, after which you will be emailed the Zoom link.
Bennion Student Union and Enrollment Management
Despite the current situation, Union and Enrollment Management staff continue to provide students, staff, and faculty with the highest level of service. And our facilities staff have gone far above and beyond the call of duty to keep our building clean, safe, and open.