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BASW/MSW Social Work Program Advisory Board

The Social Work Programs Advisory Board (SWPAB) is a community-based, professional resource that supports the BASW and MSW programs at Idaho State University. The primary functions of the advisory board includes providing input and feedback on BASW and MSW curriculum, and connecting the program to updates on practicum needs, trends in social work practice, and contemporary needs and challenges being addressed by community-based practitioners. The SWPAB may also be involved in fundraising efforts for targeted initiatives such as endowed scholarships or social work program events. 

The SWPAB meets at regularly scheduled times during the academic year. Meetings take place the third Friday of September, October, November, January, February, and April/May. Meetings are held from 12:30 - 1:30 (MST) via an online meeting platform. All meetings will be held on the third Friday of designated meeting months. All members are expected to attend at least three meetings per year in order to remain active on the board. Board members must hold a BSW or an MSW, and at least 51% of board members must be actively practicing social work in the state of Idaho. Board members are invited to serve two year terms, and cannot serve more than three consecutive terms. At least three board members at any point in time must live and practice social work outside of the South-Eastern Idaho region. Board members are identified through a nomination and invitation process. 

The SWPAB is co-chaired by the Social Work Program Directors and a member of the board. A new co-chair will be identified from among existing board members annually at the September meeting, for a term that begins in October. The co-chair may be charged with facilitating meetings for the remainder of the academic year. Co-chairs may be elected for multiple terms. 

There is one board seat available for individuals who represent each of the following areas of social work: Child Welfare; Medical Social Work; Forensic Social Work; Geriatric Social Work: Clinical Social Work; Department of Health and Welfare; Tribal Social Services; School Social Work; Member at Large. 

The SWPAB includes non-voting membership for BASW and MSW students in both our online and campus programs. Students may self-nominate by emailing their program director. The board will also include one non-voting representative from the social work faculty. 

To make a nomination or self-nomination for board membership, please email msw@isu.edu