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Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Communication Sciences & Disorders

Idaho State University offers the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) on both the Pocatello and Meridian campuses. Coursework in the undergraduate major can also be completed online.

General Education courses are not offered at the Idaho State University-Meridian Health Science campus. Therefore, students interested in the Meridian campus program should complete their general education requirements on the Pocatello campus or at another institution before transferring to the Idaho State University-Meridian campus.

Students interested in the undergraduate program on the Meridian campus should contact  Ali Crane, Director of Student Services and Enrollment Planning, regarding course transfer information. Please schedule an appointment with Ali Crane at https://alicrane.youcanbook.me/ or contact her at alicrane@isu.edu or (208)373-1706. 

ISU students who are declaring a major in CSD or transferring into the CSD program should complete the CSD Intent Form.

Explore the ISU Catalog for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Communication Sciences & Disorders  (Catalog year 2024/2025).

Emphasis in Pre-Speech-Language Pathology
Freshman Course Sequence Pre-Speech-Language Pathology
Transfer Student Course Sequence Pre-Speech-Language Pathology
Emphasis in Pre-Audiology
Freshman Course Sequence Pre-Audiology
Transfer Student Course Sequence Pre-Audiology
Program Learning Outcomes
Students completing the Bachelor of Science Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders should be able to: 
  • Understand the basic processes and influences related to human communication including developmental, biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, and cultural conditions.
  • Explain the basic foundational aspects of typical and disordered communication including prevention, evaluation, intervention and treatment.
  • Demonstrate the emergence of effective written, oral, and critical thinking skills related to topics in communication sciences and disorders.
  • Have completed the necessary coursework and experiences to prepare them to apply for admission to graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology.

Kasiska Division of Health Sciences - Learn more about the Kasiska family legacy and impact

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