Scholarship Holds for Current ISU Students
Students who have completed at least 1 semester at ISU with “renewable ISU scholarships”, and who are leaving due to religious service, military service, medical issues, approved humanitarian programs, and certain internships related to major can have their scholarship held if the following is met:
- Student met requirements upon departure.
- Funds are still available when student returns.
- Student returns as indicated on form
- Proper documentation submitted to the Scholarship Office verifying reason for leave of absence.
Students who are taking a semester off, not meeting requirements upon departing, going to graduate school, etc. are not able to hold their ISU scholarship.
Form and documentation must be completed by visiting the Undergraduate Leave of Absence form. The documentation is used to verify the reason/departure/return dates.
This request form will act as the students Hold Form for any renewable ISU scholarships (as long as funding is still available for these programs upon their return).
Only "renewable" institutionally funded scholarships can be held for eligible students. Grant funded one semester (or year) awards cannot be held due to the funding allocations and the need to re-award.
If awarded scholarships by outside agencies, students must contact these individuals separately.
As mentioned above: for continuing students' scholarship(s) to be placed on hold while they are away from ISU for a specified period of time, we require that the student must attend at least 1 full-time semester prior to their departure and meet the minimum criteria for continuation of their scholarship(s) during the semester(s) they attend prior to leaving.
Our general policy is that scholarships can be held for up to 2 years (or 4 semesters), depending on the documented departure/return dates. However, if a student's departure and return are timed such that they must miss five semesters of school (leave in middle of a semester and returning in middle of another semester), we will hold the scholarship(s) for 5 semesters.
NOTE: Students that received an institutionally funded, renewable scholarship(s) are required to meet the requirements for renewal of the scholarship(s) during the last semester they attended prior to leaving or they will not be eligible for renewal of the scholarship(s).