Instructions to Authors
Editor-in-Chief Contact Information:
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
The Relict Hominoid Inquiry
Department of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University
921 S. 8th Ave., Mail Stop 8007
Pocatello, ID 83209-8007
Physical Address:
650 Memorial Dr
Gale Life Sciences, Bldg #65, Rm 227
tel: 208-282-4150
tel: 208-282-4379
fax: 208-282-4570
Authors are to submit their manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief, preferably via email. The following items are required: a cover letter with a brief introduction describing the author’s qualifications, and a statement that the submission has not been previously published in another journal, and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere; an original manuscript (including the text, tables, and figures), two clean hard copies, and a CD (or discs) containing the manuscript and figures. Label the CD with the name of the file(s) and the date. Microsoft Word format is required. Make sure your word processing program's "fast save" feature is turned off. Do not deliver files that contain hidden text. For example, do not use your word processor's automated features to create footnotes or reference lists.
Categories of Submissions
The Relict Hominoid Inquiry publishes submissions in several categories, including: Research Articles, Comments & Responses, Brief Communications, Essays, News & Views, and Book Reviews. The stipulations and style formats for each category are presented below.
Research Articles
General instructions. The manuscript should have a uniform style and it should consist of the following subdivisions in order, each prepared as a unit on separate pages:
- Title page
- Abstract
- Text
- Literature cited
- Footnotes
- Table
- Figure Legends
- Figures
The manuscript, including literature cited, should be double-spaced using a 1" (2.5 cm) margin on all sides. Number the manuscript pages consecutively beginning with the title page and observe the following:
- 12-point font only (Times Roman).
- Indent the first line of every paragraph, 5 spaces, no tabs.
- Do not right-justify any text.
- Do not divide words at the end of lines
- Do not begin sentences with abbreviations.
- The word "Figure" is not abbreviated in the text, except when appearing in parentheses: (Fig. 2); (Figs. 4-6).
- The spelling of non-technical terms should be recommended in the current Webster's International Dictionary. Use American spellings (e.g., “behavior” not “behavior”).
- Always spell out numbers when they stand as the first word in a sentence or if the number is less than 10 (numbers 10 and greater should use Arabic numerals); do not follow numbers spelled out with abbreviations. Numbers indicating time, weight, and measurements are to be in Arabic numerals when followed by abbreviations (e.g., 2 mm; 1 sec; 3 ml).
- Text to be italicized should be italicized and not underlined in the manuscript.
Title page. The title page must contain the following elements:
- TitleAuthor's name (or names)
- Institution (if affiliated), with city, state, and postal code
- Number of text pages, plus bibliography, number of figures, and tables
- Abbreviated title (running headline), not to exceed 48 characters and spaces
- Keywords: Do not repeat terms used in the article title, and do not exceed 85 characters and spaces.
- Provide a minimum of three keywords, and no more than five.
- Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the person to whom the proof is to be sent.
- If you plan to be away while your article is in the press, please inform the publisher
Abstract. The abstract should consist of 250 words or less. It should be written in complete sentences and should succinctly state the objectives, the design of the paper, materials, and methods, and the principal observations and conclusions; it should be intelligible without reference to the rest of the paper. The abstract is not a brief introduction to the paper.
Text headings. Begin the body of the paper with the heading "INTRODUCTION." The journal uses a system of primary, secondary, and tertiary headings. All letters for primary headings are in caps (e.g., RESULTS). Only the first letter of the secondary heading and proper nouns are in caps (e.g., a Complete set of morphological features). Only the first letter of tertiary headings is capitalized (e.g., Interphalangeal joint morphology.). All headings are boldfaced. Primary and secondary headings are centered. Tertiary headings are italicized, end in a period, and are the beginning of the first line of the paragraph.
Metric system. The metric system should be used for all measurements. Temperatures should be expressed in degrees Celsius (centigrade). Metric abbreviations should be expressed in standard notation lowercase (e.g., mm) without periods.
Literature cited. In the text, references to the literature should be cited by author's surname followed by year of publication. If there are multiple citations, present them chronologically:
. . . analysis by Ward (2001) reveal . . .
. . . studies by Corner and Richtsmeier (2004) reveal . . .
. . . studies by Little et al. (1993) reveal . . .
. . . an earlier report (Hutchinson, 1999) . . .
. . . earlier reports (Arriaza et al., 2000; Paoli et al., 2002; Ross, 2003) . . .
When references are made to more than one paper by the same author published in the same year, they should be designated in the text (Benefit and McCrossin, 1993a, b) and in the Literature Cited as follows:
Benefit BR and McCrossin ML (1993a) New Kenyapithecus postcrania and other primate fossils from Maboko Island, Kenya [abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:55–56.
Benefit BR and McCrossin ML (1993b) On the lacrimal fossa of Cercopithecinae, with special reference to cladistic analysis of Old World monkey relationships. Folia Primatologica 60:133–145.
The literature list must be arranged first alphabetically, by author's or authors' surname(s), then chronologically for multiple citations of one author or authors, in the following style:
Journal article
Trinkaus E, Churchill SE, and Ruff CB (1994) Postcranial robusticity in Homo. II: humeral bilateral asymmetry and bone plasticity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93:1–34.
Bogin B (2001) The Growth of Humanity. New York: Wiley-Liss.
Book chapter
Gruner O (1993) Identification of skulls: A historical review and practical applications. In: Iscan MY and Helmer RP, editors. Forensic Analysis of the Skull. New York: Wiley-Liss. pp. 29–45.
Footnotes. Footnotes to the text should be limited as much as possible and must be numbered consecutively. The corresponding reference numbers must be clearly indicated in the text. Additional references to the identical footnotes are to be numbered with the following consecutive numbers:
2Material used for this experiment was provided by . . .
3See footnote 2.
Tables. All tables must be cited in the text. Do not embed tables in the text. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Tables should be simple and uncomplicated, with as few vertical and horizontal rules as possible. Type double-spaced. Indicate in the margin where the tables are to appear in the text. Table titles should be complete but brief. Information other than that defining the data should be presented in footnotes, not in the table heading. Footnotes to a table should be typed directly beneath the table and numbered with superscripts (e.g., 1, 2, 3). They should not be numbered in sequence with the footnotes in the text. If superscript numbers could be mistaken for exponents, substitute superscript (e.g., a, b, c).
Figures legends. All figures must be cited in the text. Do not embed figures in the text, but indicate the suggested placement of the figures within a break in the text thus: [insert Fig. 1 here]. Provide a separate list of figure legends. Figure legends are to be numbered consecutively as follows: Fig. 1. . . . , Fig. 2. . . . , and should follow the sequence of reference in the text. Abbreviations for all figures should be listed alphabetically and placed before the first figure mentioning them.
Figures. Authors should utilize sufficient figures to adequately present their findings. The author is responsible for securing permission for any copyrighted images. For most purposes, the online submission of figures is fully adequate for printing. All illustration files should be in TIFF, JPG, JPEG, or EPS (with preview) formats. Journal-quality reproduction will require greyscale and color files at resolutions yielding approximately 300 dpi. Bitmapped line art should be submitted at resolutions yielding 600-1200 dpi. These resolutions refer to the output size of the file; if you anticipate that your images will be enlarged or reduced, resolutions should be adjusted accordingly. Quality color figures are encouraged. Figure files should be given the 2- or 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e., .tif, .jpg). Enhancement of digital images should be limited to adjustments of brightness and contrast. Metric scale should be included in the figure wherever appropriate.
Other Submissions
Comments & Responses are solicited by the Editor from additional selected reviewers of manuscripts to engender broader discussion and debate surrounding the research articles. Length is discretionary. The format is simply paragraphed text, selected citations, followed by the commentator’s name and affiliation/address. The author of the original contribution is afforded the opportunity to respond. Comments and Responses will be published immediately following the individual research articles.
Brief Communications are short research contributions. The style of presentation and format are the same as regular research articles. The Brief Communications report is the outcome of a small, problem-based study.
Essays are treatments of historical, theoretical, or philosophical issues not necessarily based on original research. Contents and format of essay submissions should generally follow that for research articles where appropriate, and they are subject to review.
News & Views are expositional pieces dealing with recent developments and current events of particular interest to the readership.
Letters & Replies are unsolicited submissions addressing issues of broad interest, expressing opinions on specific research areas, or critiques of previously published items from the journal. Items should be submitted with a title but no keywords, abstract, or headings. Tables, figures, and literature cited should be avoided or minimized. A researcher whose views, or an author whose article the submitter is commenting on, will be given an opportunity to respond. If the letter and response are found acceptable, the two are published together.
Book Reviews are solicited by the Editor. Unsolicited reviews will not ordinarily be considered for publication. A book review should begin by stating the title, author(s), publisher, date, page count, price, and ISBN number of the work reviewed:
Visions of Caliban: On Chimpanzees and People. By Dale Peterson and Jane Goodall. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1993. 367 pp., $22.95 (cloth). ISBN 0-395-53760-6.
The review should include no other front matter (title, abstract, keywords), headings, tables, or illustrations. Bibliographical citations should be selective. The reviewer's name and address should be placed at the end of the review. Submission of a book review does not guarantee its publication.
Conditions. The Editor reserves the right to return to the author for revision submitted manuscripts and illustrations not in proper finished form, or that are deemed unsuitable for publication in the journal.
Copyright. When an article has been submitted to The Relict Hominoid Inquiry the author transfers copyright, including but not limited to the right to publish, republish, transmit, sell, distribute, and otherwise use the contribution in electronic and print editions of the journal and derivative works throughout the world, in all languages and in all media now known or later developed, and to license or permit others to do so. The contributor retains the right to print and distribute reprints of the work, to republish material from the contribution in a work authored by the contributor, to use selected figures and tables and text up to 250 words for incorporation in another work by the contributor or in an edited volume published by a third party. Further details appear in the Copyright Transfer Agreement.
Refereeing. Manuscripts will be sent to two or more referees at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief and members of the editorial board. Reviewers are given the option of providing an anonymous or a signed review.
Proofs. A set of page proofs will be sent to the author via email. All corrections should be clearly marked and promptly returned by stipulated deadlines.