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Kandi J. Turley-Ames, Ph.D.

Professor, Experimental Psychology - Founding Dean, College of Arts and Letters, Vice Provost of Advanced Opportunities

Office: Business Administration Rm 248



B.S. (1990) and M.S. (1993), Idaho State University;
Ph.D. (1996), Washington State University.

Dr. Turley-Ames will NOT be accepting any graduate students for admission in fall 2025.

Research Interests

Working memory and strategies; individual differences, executive function, and clinical implications; executive function and counterfactual thinking.

Curriculum Vitae - Kandi Jo Turley-Ames, Ph. D

Selected Publications

Ricks, T., Turley-Ames, K.J., & Wiley, J. (2007). Effects of working memory capacity on mental set due to domain knowledge. Memory and Cognition 35, 1456-1462.

Guajardo, N.R., & Turley-Ames, K.J. (2004). Preschoolers' generation of different types of counterfactual statements and theory of mind understanding. Cognitive Development, 19, 53-80.

Turley-Ames, K.J. , & Whitfield, M.M. (2003). Strategy training and working memory task performance.Journal of Memory and Language, 49, 446-468.

Sanna, L.J., Meier, S., Parks, C.D., Kassin, B.R., Lechter, J.L., Turley-Ames, K.J., & Miyake, T.M. (2003). A game within inches: Spontaneous use of counterfactuals by broadcasters. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 455-475.

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