Thin Lenses with Blackboard Optics

PIRA 6A60.10
The Blackboard Optics Multiple Ray Box can be used to demonstrate the focal properties of converging and diverging lenses. Parallel rays incident on a plexiglass converging lens section are shown at left.The multiple ray box can also be used to produce diverging rays that originate from a point on an object. This is shown at right for a converging lens made from two plexiglass converging lens sections with their flat sides in contact with each other.
Focal properties and diverging rays from objects can also be illustrated for multiple lens systems. Parallel rays incident on two plexiglass converging lens sections are shown at near left. Note the spherical aberration.
The multiple ray box requires 12 V AC. The Blackboard Optics Transformer shown below provides this. The room needs to be dark in order for the rays to be clearly visible to a large class.