About Phi Kappa Phi
Idaho State University Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 110
The installation date for our chapter was February 26, 1970. The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest, most selective, and most prestigious all-discipline honor society. Standards for election to Phi Kappa Phi are extremely high. Membership is by invitation only to ISU’s top 7.5 percent of second term juniors and the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students from each college.
The Society is proud of its record of helping members advance their education and serve their community through various programs. Members are eligible for one or more of the Society's grants and awards such as the "Fellowship Program" for graduate studies, "Love of Learning," and "Literacy."
The chapter of PKP at ISU is proud to support eligible undergraduate PKP members with scholarship money donated by our members. Your contributions to this fund are welcome.
921 South 8th Avenue Stop 8343, Pocatello Idaho, 83209-8649
Phi Kappa Phi Officers 2022-2023:
President – Prof. Dave Woods, davewoods@isu.edu
President-Elect – TBA
Student Vice-Presidents
- Jenn Tyler jenntyler@isu.edu
Secretary – Dean Sandra Shropshire, shrosand@isu.edu
Treasurer – Prof. Rudy Kovacs, kovarudo@isu.edu
Awards & Grant Coordinator – Mrs. Jody Finnegan, finnjody@isu.edu
At-Large Board Members
Dr. Ann Hunter, Mr. Mike Rowe, Dr. Cynthia Hill, Dr. Linda Leeuwrik, Dr. Laurence Gebhardt, Dr. Gesine Hearn, Dr. Donna Lybecker, Prof. Wendy Mickelsen, Prof. Jen Briggs, Dr. Nancy Devine, Dr. Kellee Kirkpatrick, Dr. Sarah Godsey, Dr. Barbara Frank, Evan Johnson