UAA/ISU students make strides at Alaska Pharmacy Day at the Capitol, also known as "Capitol Fly-in Day"

This year 10-students and 4-faculty/staff members from the Idaho State University College of Pharmacy Anchorage, Alaska campus spent 2-days in Juneau advocating for the profession of pharmacy and providing community outreach. Notable team accomplishments include:
Capitol Visit (AkPhA Rep Alex Marinelli, Rep-in-training Kellie Rasay): Alex and Kellie worked with Caren Robinson, AKPhA lobbyist, to establish a Pharmacy Advocacy Plan.
- The Capitol Day, Pharmacy Advocacy Plan included:
- one-hour training, for ALL students and faculty, on legislative process
- orientation "How to engage with state legislators"
- Materials for State Legislators (SETMuPP Grant team)
- statistics supporting provider status (Medical Benefit Billing)
- educational program support (SHARP program)
- in-person meetings of ALL students with State Legislators
Operation Diabetes/Heart/Immunization (Chair Janelle Solbos, Co-chair Talethia Bogart): Provided point of care testing (glucose/A1c/cholesterol), blood pressure screening, immunizations, and educational outreach to the community and state legislators.
- Juneau Senior Center Outreach:
- 45 point of care tests administered
- 2 influenza vaccines administered
- Juneau Drug Outreach:
- 6 point of care tests administered
- 4 influenza vaccines administered
- Ron’s Apothecary Outreach:
- 45 point of care tests administered
- 3 influenza vaccines administered
- State Capitol Outreach:
- 14 influenza vaccines administered in state Capitol
Generation Rx (Chair Michelle Bai, Co-chair Ron Wagoner, Patient Care VP Corrie Black): In-class presentation “Effects of Marijuana on the Developing Brain” and hands-on-student activity "Electricity Game.”
- Student Outreach: (Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School)
- 4 classes, ~100 students between 11 and 14 years of age.
Student Recruitment (Alaska Program Coordinator Christina Jackson, ISU Ambassador Aminda Skan): Promoted UAA/ISU College of Pharmacy Program
- University of Alaska Southeast:
- ~25 undergraduate students
- Thunder Mountain High School:
- ~20 students
- Juneau Douglas High School:
- ~25 students
We would like to thank AKPhA for Outreach Travel support, Providence Alaska Medical Center for vaccine donation, and Faith Lutheran Church for housing students.