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Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

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The Idaho State University School of Nursing Traditional Nursing undergraduate degree is well-suited to students with no nursing experience who seek their first degree in nursing. This program is also well suited to students who are currently licensed practical nurses who are seeking their baccalaureate degree. This program is four semesters in length, and classes are taught primarily from the Pocatello campus through a hybrid course model, integrating face-to-face and online formats into all courses. Clinical experiences are offered in the simulation lab and various off-campus settings, including community hospitals, community health facilities, service agencies, and schools.

The Traditional Nursing program provides learning opportunities for undergraduate students to prepare them for the role of the professional nurse in today's complex healthcare system and to take the National Council Licensure Examination Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) to secure licensure as a registered nurse.

More Information

Questions related to this degree program should be addressed to:

Katy Hopkins

Academic Advisor

Office: Pocatello



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Program Overview

Prerequisite Courses

Our 13 prerequisite courses are separated into 2 different lists, labeled as Set A and Set B courses and are usually completed during a student's first two years of their undergraduate degree. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a C grade or higher.

The Set A courses are used to calculate an applicant's nursing application GPA and must be completed prior to applying to the nursing program. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required for the nursing application and the Set A GPA calculation.

The Set B courses can be in progress during the semester the applicant applies, so long as they are successfully completed before starting the program. Most students will have two or three of the Set B courses completed and then finish the remaining courses during the semester they apply in.

If courses are taken outside of Idaho State University, official transcripts verifying successful completion must be submitted to the ISU Registrar’s Office as part of the ISU application process.

Petitions to the School of Nursing may be required to establish equivalency for courses taken from other colleges or universities.

Traditional Program Requirements

Set A Prerequisite Courses

Set A (completed before applying to SON)
ISU Course
ISU Credits
Introductory Microbiology with Lab BIOL 2233 & 2233L 4
Anatomy & Physiology 1 with Lab BIOL 2227 & 2227L or BIOL 3301 & 3301L 4
Anatomy & Physiology 2 with Lab BIOL 2228 & 2228L or BIOL 3302 & 3302L 4
Introduction to General Chemistry CHEM 1101 or CHEM 1111 & 1111L 3 or 5
Introduction to Psychology PSYC 1101 3
Child Development PSYC 2225 3
Cultural Diversity Course 
Use Objective 9 in the ISU General Education
Program for guidance

Set B Prerequisite Courses

Set B (completed before starting program)
ISU Course
ISU Credits
Introduction to Pathobiology BIOL 2229 or BIOL 3306 3
Pharmacology for Nurses DHS 3315 3
Nutrition for Health Professionals NTD 3340 3
Introduction to Information Research LLIB 1115 3
Medical Ethics PHIL 2230 3
Statistical Reasoning MATH 1153 3


School of Nursing Course Petition Process


1. Petitioning Courses

If a course does not transfer to ISU as an equivalent, students can petition the School of Nursing to request that it be accepted as a substitute for a required undergraduate nursing course. Students may also petition courses they consider taking to seek pre-approval to meet undergraduate requirements.

To submit a course petition, include:

    • A completed course petition form for each prerequisite requirement.
    • A copy of the course description (a course syllabus is preferred).
    • An unofficial transcript showing course completion (not required for pre-approval petitions).

An approved course petition means the course meets the undergraduate nursing requirement but will not appear equivalent to an ISU course on your transcript. The review process typically takes 2-3 weeks.

2. Course Expiration Guidelines

Two courses—Pathobiology and Pharmacology—must be completed within 3 years of the application date.

         There is no expiration timeline for other prerequisite courses.

3. Petitioning Other Requirements

Students may also petition other School of Nursing requirements with the guidance of an academic advisor, such as application, admission, or graduation requirements. These petitions must include:

    • A completed petition form, including signature and date.
    • A statement explaining the reason for the petition.
    • Any supporting documentation.

4. Additional Resources and Support

For guidance on completing and submitting petitions, students can access the following resources:

5. Submitting via DocuSign

    • Use the Course Petition DocuSign Form Link to access, fill out, and submit your petition through DocuSign.

Course Petition DocuSign Form


Program Information and Outcomes

The School of Nursing offers two program applications each year every fall and spring semester for admission the following spring or fall semester, respectively.

Students will complete the upper-division nursing courses after applying and being accepted into the Nursing program.

Please see the Traditional BSN Curriculum for the upper division nursing courses and structure of the 4-semester program beginning in Fall 2024 semester. Currently enrolled Traditional BS Nursing students will finish their program with the previous NURS curriculum.

Please see the Traditional Program Sample Schedule for two sample 4-year degree plans including all General Education, prerequisite, and upper division NURS courses.

Students must meet application requirements prior to applying for and starting any upper-division NURS courses.

If you have questions after looking through the School of Nursing website, please see the Undergraduate Frequently Asked Questions page for more information or make an appointment with a Nursing Academic Advisor.

Student Handbook - School of Nursing - Undergraduate - 2024

Program Outcomes

Completion of the undergraduate program provides the graduate with the abilities to:

  1. Evaluate critical thinking skills based upon nursing knowledge integration, the sciences and the humanities, in planning direct and indirect care for diverse populations in rural or urban settings.
  2. Develop individual traits and personal power to interact constructively with clients, families and communities.
  3. Evaluate the broad range of technology requirements.
  4. Create effective communication with clients, families, communities and other health care providers using verbal, non-verbal, electronic and/or written modalities.
  5. Evaluate the principles of population health needs.
  6. Value behaviors congruent with current standards of professional practice, and promote the nursing profession.
  7. Appraise basic nursing science information and develop expertise in the comprehensive care of clients, families, and communities.

Professional Licensure Disclosure

The Importance of a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing

The Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing is a critical first step for a career in professional nursing. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the national voice for baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs, recognizes the BS degree in nursing as the minimum educational requirement for a professional nursing practice. Recommendations by AACN state that education has a significant impact on the knowledge and competencies of the nurse clinician.

Nurses with BS degrees are well-prepared to meet the demands placed on today's nurse. Bachelor of Science nurses are prized for their skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and for their ability to practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings. Nurse executives, federal agencies, the military, leading nursing organizations, health care foundations, community hospitals, and minority nurse advocacy groups all recognize the unique value that baccalaureate-prepared nurses bring to the practice setting. Following the School of Nursing's curriculum prepares students to become professional registered nurses and includes the following essential components of all baccalaureate nursing programs: a liberal education, professional values, core competencies, core knowledge, and role development.


Cost of Attendance

In-State and Out-of-Sate tuition costs at ISU: Cost of Attendance

Professional Fees

In addition to ISU tuition and fees, a professional fee is assessed for all undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Nursing. Professional fees for the nursing programs support faculty salaries, instruction support services, durable and disposable equipment and supplies, faculty, and staff program travel, capital equipment, and a reserve for maintenance and purchase of major capital items.

List of current professional fees: Professional Fees


Idaho State University Scholarships

The School of Nursing annually awards over $100,000 in scholarships, and the School of Nursing scholarship application is available annually in April in the Bengal Online Scholarship System (BOSS).
Please see the Scholarship Office website for more information about scholarship opportunities available through ISU.

Travel Nursing

Nursing Education Scholarship awarded by Travel Nursing career organization.
Amount: $1,000.
Requirements: Accepted to or currently attending a full-time nursing or medical program at an accredited institution.
Travel Nursing Scholarship.

Nursing Scholarship

CampusRN has $15,000 in Scholarships Available to Nursing & Allied Health Students.

Career Opportunities

Nurse Careers

Search Thousands of Entry Level Jobs, Externships, & Scholarship Opportunities on CampusRN.

Faculty Openings

Apply for opportunities to teach right here at the Idaho State University School of Nursing. 

Nursing ALD

Browse their Free Job Board, Publications and Events

Traditional Program Sample Schedule


Eligibility and Selection

Applicants are required to be admitted to ISU and apply separately to the School of Nursing.

To apply for admission to Idaho State University, please fill out an Undergraduate Application.

  1.  Apply as a degree-seeking student, Undergraduate Pre-Nursing major.
  2. There is a $50.00 application fee to Idaho State University.

Acceptance to the School of Nursing is competitive and meeting application eligibility requirements does not guarantee acceptance. School of Nursing applications are accepted two times a year.

Annual application openings for the Traditional program track:

  1. Fall semester application for a Spring semester admission start in the program
    • 8 a.m. July 15th through 5 p.m. September 15th
  2. Spring semester for a Fall semester start in the program
    • 8 a.m. January 15 through 5 p.m. March 15

In addition to the General Education requirements of Idaho State University, the student must comply with the following School of Nursing Traditional Program Requirements. Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for acceptance into the School of Nursing.

  1. Completion of all ISU General Education requirements.
  2. Completion of all Set A nursing prerequisite courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 higher (65% of application score.)
    • Set B prerequisites need to be completed, or enrolled and in progress, prior to the applicant's anticipated Nursing program start date.
  3. Completion of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) with a Total score of 60% or higher (35% of application score.)
    • Please visit atitesting.com for more information about the TEAS exam.
    • Applicants can schedule their TEAS exam at any ISU testing center or other approved ATI testing locations (except ISU College of Technology LPN program).
    • Call the ISU Testing Center for more information or schedule your remotely proctored test at atitesting.com.
      • Test results received outside an ISU testing center should be sent to School of Nursing at ID State U BSN
  4. If accepted into the School of Nursing, the applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher among Set A and Set B prerequisite courses at the time of admission.

Please review the Application Instructions for more detailed information regarding application criteria, including important deadlines.

Application and Admission Requirements

Applicants are required to meet with School of Nursing Academic Advisor to determine their eligibility, no less than 24 hours prior to the application period closing; however applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor at least two (2) weeks prior to the application opening.

School of Nursing Advisor will confirm an applicant's eligibility to apply by reviewing the following items:

  1. Approval of any required course petitions no less than 15 days prior to the application closing date.
    • Submit the School of Nursing Undergraduate CoursePetition Form with the required documentation within
      • Course Petition Form located on the bottom of the School of Nursing page under 'School of Nursing Course Petition Process' Section: Traditional BSN Webpage
  2. Completion of Set A prerequisite course with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  3. Completion of or enrolled in-progress Set B prerequisite courses.
  4. Completed of or enrolled in-progress General Education required courses.
  5. Completion of the ATI TEAS exam with a qualifying score.
  6. Once the Advisor confirms an applicant's eligibility, they will provide the applicant with the application enrollment key to begin the School of Nursing application in ISU Community Moodle.

Admission decisions will be made and sent out via email approximately two weeks after the application period closes.

If not accepted, contact a Nursing Academic Advisor to discuss options.

Admission Process once accepted:

  1. Complete admission requirements.
  2. Successfully complete remaining Set B prerequisite courses and ISU General Education Courses.

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