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Gina Clarkson, Ph.D., APRN, NNP-BC

Interim Associate Dean and Director and Associate Professor School of Nursing

School of Nursing
Idaho State University
921 S. 8th Ave Stop 8101
Pocatello, ID 83209-8101

Office: Beckley 239B – Pocatello Campus
Phone: 208-282-3829

Email: ginaclarkson@isu.edu

  • PhD, Vanderbilt University, 2016.
    • Major: Nursing Science Dissertation Title: Factors Influencing Father Involvement in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Advisor(s): Mary Jo Gilmer
  • MSN, Vanderbilt University, 2009.
    • Major: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
  • BSN, Hawaii Pacific University, 1996.
Research Interests
  • Parenting of critically ill infants
  • Substance abuse in pregnant women


Dr. Gina Clarkson is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing. Dr. Clarkson teaches mainly in the PhD program, but also teaches Theory and Advanced Evidence Application for all graduate students, as well as Scholarly Writing for the PhD and DNP students.

Dr. Clarkson's main research area of interest is parenting of infants (and challenges of parenting, such as parental substance abuse and infant health issues). Dr. Clarkson is particularly interested in helping families of infants who were sick as newborns, such as those who were in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. In addition to being faculty in the School of Nursing, Dr. Clarkson is a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Featured Scholarship and Publications


Walker, H., Clarkson, G., Allston, H., & Chan, B. (2022). “All I Can Say is Thank You”: A Qualitative Study of Gratitude in the NICU Before- and During- COVID-19. The Journal of Neonatal and  Perinatal Nursing, in press.

 Gondor, K, Clarkson, G, & Dwyer, K, (2022). "Taking a closer look at occupational/career development in young adults with a complex congenital heart defect: A secondary analysis", Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal, 3 (1), 14-18. Doi:10.11594/banrj.03.01.03

 Clarkson, G., & Hearn, G. (2021). Former neonatal intensive care unit fathers’ involvement 4 years later: A qualitative study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 60, 31–39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2021.02.004

 Hearn, Gesine, Clarkson, Gina, & Day, Matthew (2020). The Role of the NICU in Father Involvement, Beliefs, and Confidence, Advances in Neonatal Care: February - Volume 20 - Issue 1 - p 80-89 doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000665 

 Clarkson, G., Dietrich, M., McBride, B.A., Moore, E., & Gilmer, M.J. (2019). Cross-sectional Survey of factors associated with parental involvement in the neonatal intensive care unit. J Clin Nurs. Nov; 28(21-22):3977-3990. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14981. Epub 2019 Jul 14.

 Clarkson, G. & Gilmer, M.J. (2019). Factors Affecting Time NICU Nurses Spend with Fathers: Results from a Larger Study. Advances in Neonatal Care. 2019 Oct; 19(5):E16-E25. DOI: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000646.

 Johnson LA, Dias N, Clarkson G, Schreier A.M. (2019). Social media as a recruitment method to reach a diverse sample of bereaved parents. Applied Nursing Research. 2019 Dec. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2019.151201. Epub 2019 Oct 20. PMID: 31677928.

 Clarkson, G. (2018). Issues Affecting Rural Mothers and Preterm Infants.  RN Idaho. Vol 41 (3).


Jarrett, L. & Clarkson, G. (2019, February) The Role of Cognitive Function in Bereaved Adults.  Presented by podium at the meeting of Southern Nursing Research Society 2019 Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.

 Clarkson, G. (2018, September) Issues affecting rural mothers, infants, and preterm infants.  Presented by podium at the meeting of the Nurse Leaders of Idaho 2018 Leaders in Education and Practice (LEAP) Conference, Boise, Idaho.

 Clarkson, G. & Gilmer, M.J. (2017, July) Factors affecting time nurses spend with fathers in the neonatal intensive care unit.  Presented by podium at the meeting of the 28th International Nursing Research Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

 Clarkson, G., Dietrich, M.S., McBride, B.A., Moore, E., & Gilmer, M.J.  (2017, April) Factors influencing paternal involvement in the neonatal intensive care unit.  Presented by podium at the meeting of the Western Institute of Nursing’s 50th Annual Research Conference, Denver, Colorado.


Anderson, M., & Clarkson, G. (2022, April). Decreased Stigma & Increased Health Equity through SUD Focused Nurse Practitioner Education.  Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Addiction and Substance Abuse Medicine (ASAM) Conference, Hollywood, FL.

Clarkson, G., & Anderson, M. (2021, January).  Evaluation of a SUD Medical Education Program for DNP Family Nurse Practitioner Students. Poster presented at the annual Doctoral Education conference for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, ONLINE.

Clarkson, G., & Hearn, G. (2020, April), Qualitative study of long-term fathering of former Newborn Intensive Care Unit infants. Poster published in the ONLINE conference proceedings of the Western Institute of Nursing, Portland, OR, https://win.confex.com/win/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/14721.

Clarkson, G. (2019, October) Clinical Leadership and the Nurse Practitioner:  A Literature Review. Poster presented at the annual conference for the Nurse Leaders of Idaho, Leaders in Education and Practice, Boise, Idaho.

Clarkson, G., Dietrich, M.S., & Gilmer, M.J. (2015, February) NICU Nurse Attitudes and Beliefs about Father Involvement in Care. Presented by poster at the annual conference for the Southern Nursing Research Society, Tampa, FL


 (Funded) Clarkson, G. (Principal) & Hearn, G. (Co-Principal), “Father involvement in the NICU; A Pilot Study”, FAM-NET pilot study sub award, $14,931.50 (August 2022 to August 2023).

(Funded) Clarkson, G. (Principal), Hearn, G. (Co-Principal), "Follow up on Fathers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit- 4 to 5 years later," Idaho State University, $12,771.00. (start: July 2018, end: July 2019) Reallocation and extension request granted (new end date Feb 2021).

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