ISU Distinguished Faculty to Offer Teaching Workshops
September 20, 2018
All faculty are invited to the "Great Ideas in Teaching with Idaho State University Distinguished Faculty" series this semester.
Workshops include:
Sept. 21: Dr. Donna Lybecker, "Teaching to Create Communicators"
Oct. 5: Dr. Karen Appleby, "No Social Loafers Here! A Strategy to Design Effective Group Work"
Oct. 19: Dr. Andy Holland: "LessonsLearned: Teaching Strategies I Wish I Had Known from the Start"
Nov. 2: Panel Discussion: "Thoughts on Teaching from Master Teachers"
Nov. 16: Catherine Black: "Measuring Student Outcomes"
All workshops will take place in the Rendezvous Suites in Pocatello, CHE 311 in Idaho Falls, Room 686 in Meridian and HEPWORTH 134 in Twin Falls.