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In this Issue

Idaho State University geosciences Professor David Rodgers lands Fulbright in Tajikistan

POCATELLO – Idaho State University Associate Dean and geosciences Professor David Rodgers is psyched about heading 12 time zones and 7,000 miles away to complete a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award at the University of Central Asia in Tajikistan.

Idaho State University’s Kasiska Division of Health Sciences expanding, reorganizing for growth

POCATELLO - A reorganization of the Kasiska Division of Health Sciences has added three new colleges at Idaho State University.

Idaho State Board of Education Announces Tuition Reduction for American Indian Students

News Bites

ISU College of Business and College of Eastern Idaho sign first articulation agreement

IDAHO FALLS —Idaho State University and the College of Eastern Idaho have signed their first articulation agreement to facilitate the transition of business students from CEI to ISU.

Idaho State University hires AHEC director

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University Institute of Rural Health in the Kasiska Division of Health Sciences has hired Diana Campanella Schow to head an area health education center or AHEC, created to improve access to primary care in southeast Idaho’s underserved and rural communities.

Bengal Roar Set June 28; Incoming Students Can Learn about Financial Aid, Academics and Campus Resources

Idaho Museum of Natural History holds summer membership drive

POCATELLO – Looking for a fun and educational family experience this summer? Consider joining the Idaho Museum of Natural History at Idaho State University with an annual membership. 

Idaho State University’s Family Medicine Residency Program graduates prepare for practice across the United States

Seven family medicine physicians, two pharmacotherapists and one clinical psychologist will soon begin practicing in locations around the US, after completing their residencies at Idaho State University.

ISU on-campus dual enrollment program announces expanded offerings for high school students this fall

Idaho State University will again offer on-campus dual enrollment courses for high school students in Southeast Idaho this fall.

July ISU Career Path Intern of the Month is Zane Stephenson

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University Career Center has named Zane Stephenson as the July Career Path Intern of the Month.

ISU signs MOU on scientific cooperation with Public Health England to continue health physics research collaboration

POCATELLO – Idaho State University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, Public Health England to continue collaborating on the effects of radiation on humans.

ISU students attend training to encourage women in leadership positions

BOISE — Three students from Idaho State University joined nearly two dozen female undergraduates, representing six Idaho colleges and universities, at NEW Leadership Idaho, a weeklong training designed to encourage women to become community leaders and run for public office. 

Fourteen East Idaho high school students become biomedical research interns for Idaho State University’s College of Pharmacy

POCATELLO – Fourteen East Idaho high school students from the Pocatello, Chubbuck, Blackfoot Fort Hall and Marsh Valley areas became biomedical researchers for a two-week internship at Idaho State University’s College of Pharmacy during the month of June.


ISU’s summer activities to include Shakespeare in the Park on July 25 and 26

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s summer activities will include Shakespeare in the Park on July 25 and 26 in the Hutchinson Quadrangle. Shakespeare in the Park is free and will begin at 6:30 p.m. The featured plays will be “Othello” and “Love’s Labour’s Lost.”

'Snakes of Idaho' photography by Professor Chuck Peterson at ISU’s Oboler Library

POCATELLO – The Eli M. Oboler Library at Idaho State University is displaying an exhibit of photography by ISU biology Professor Chuck Peterson titled “Snakes of Idaho” that will be on display through Sept. 28 in the library’s first floor art exhibit area. 

Faculty/Staff Updates

Bethany Schultz Hurst Publishes Poetry

Evan Rodriguez Presents at Conference

Amanda Zink publishes book on women in Western history and literature

Idaho State University dental hygiene faculty and alumni receive multiple honors at American Dental Hygienists’ Association annual conference

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - The work of faculty and alumni from the Department of Dental Hygiene at Idaho State University (ISU) did not go unnoticed at the association’s annual conference in June. There the ADHA honored an ISU faculty member with a prestigious Presidential Citation Award, and installed a new slate of officers for the upcoming year, with an ISU alumna among them.

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