ISU College of Arts and Letters raises more than $65,000 at fifth annual New Year’s Eve Gala, sees record attendance
February 23, 2018

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s College of Arts and Letters raised more than $65,000 in revenue at its fifth annual New Year’s Eve Gala and saw record attendance. After expenses, the remaining proceeds will benefit College of Arts and Letters students.
The New Year’s Eve Gala is held at the L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center every year to raise money for students in the visual and performing arts. The gala also allowed guests to experience a night of elegance and see the talent that ISU has to offer.
“The New Year’s Eve Gala is a way for our students to showcase their talents as well as gain professional experience while helping raise money for scholarships,” said Melissa Lee, director of marketing and recruitment for the college. “We are glad that so many of our community members attended this event and were able to see the talented students they support when donating to ISU.”
The night’s entertainment included theatre students performing a variety of their talents including sword fighting and a fashion show. Art students also displaying their talents in an art gallery and ISU faculty and students performed various music pieces.
The Salt Lake City-based Quick Wits Comedy performed improvisational comedy and pulled gala attendees from the audience to participate. Then, The Number Ones, also from Salt Lake City, played covers of number-one hit songs for guests to dance to.
Students and professors in the Department of Art created pieces to be given away during the evening including artwork by Naomi Velasquez, Juliet Fiege, Chris Pickett, and Kristina Glick. ISU Credit Union and Idaho Central Credit Union also gave away prizes.
The gala was made possible by several businesses in the community including Portneuf
Medical Center, Mountain View Hospital, Farm Bureau Insurance and ISU Credit Union. More businesses donated goods and services including the Idaho State Journal, KPVI News 6, Bell Photography, Nel’s Bi-Lo Market, KISU, Butcher Block, and Christine’s Floral.
“We are honored by the support from corporate and local donors,” said Dean Kandi Turley-Ames. “Due to their generosity we raised over $65,000 in revenue and we are excited about giving that back to our students through scholarships.”
For more information, contact Melissa Lee at (208) 282-1404 or