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Information Technology Services announces TigerTracks - A new way to request services and report problems

Information Technology Services announces TigerTracks - A new way to request services and report problems

What is happening?

ITS is pleased to announce that our new IT Service Desk website,TigerTracks is live. 

What does this change accomplish?

TigerTracks provides an open, easy-to-use website for customers to request ITS services and report problems on their own, without having to call the Service Desk.  (Although you still can call us at (208) 282-HELP or visit any of our walk-in locations).


TigerTracks has search capabilities and a knowledge base that you can use to look up answers and “how-tos”, so you can try to solve a problem yourself, if our phones are busy or it is outside of our support hours.  

How do I access TigerTracks?

Your access has already been granted! You can visit the TigerTracks home page at  https://tigertracks.isu.edu or follow the TigerTracks link on the BengalWeb home page. Once at the TigerTracks website, sign-in (upper right-hand corner) to view all available services and knowledge base articles. 



Want to learn more?

The best way to learn is to experience things yourself.  Take a look at the new system by going to https://tigertracks.isu.edu.  There is a knowledge base article to show you how to enter a Service Request.  


If you would like some TigerTracks hands on training, we have scheduled some open labs - just drop on by our training lab in the Business Administration Building (BA) basement, room B1.

  • Tuesday, February 6 - Noon - 2:30pm
  • Thursday, February 8 - 1 - 4pm
  • Wednesday, February 14 - 10am - 1pm


Questions can also be addressed by our ISU Service Desk staff.  You can submit a request through TigerTracks or call them directly:  HELP (x4357) or (208) 282-HELP.



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