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Oboler Library hosts exhibition of works by Victoria Zalatoris

December 21, 2017

Portrait of Tiffany painting of a cat by artist Victoria Zalatoris
Portrait of Tiffany by Vicky Zalatoris

POCATELLO – From Jan. 5 through March 31 an eclectic and colorful group of artwork by Vicky Zalatoris will be on view in the first floor art display area of the Oboler Library on the Idaho State University Campus.

The exhibition is free and open to the public whenever the library is open (see http://isu.libcal.com/hours/).  

The public is invited to meet Zalatoris at a reception in the Oboler Library on Thursday, Feb. 1, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. 

“As a child I dabbled in arts and crafts, sewed my own clothes, took a few art lessons,” said Zalatoris, who was born and raised in Milford, Connecticut. “I went to the University of Connecticut, where I majored in clothing, textiles and related arts, and graduated with a BSA. My goal was to work for a fashion magazine.”

After graduating, she moved to New York City and worked in the fashion and advertising industry for the next 25 years. At age 50 she sold all her possessions and moved to Salt Lake City to be a ski bum and started painting.

“I love dramatic images and bold color,” she said. “So I paint things that I like  – Old cars, animals, large flowers, graphic landscapes. I love change and variety so I use different media. Watercolor, oil paint sticks, acrylic, alcohol inks. When I take a workshop I will learn the teaching artist’s technique then make it my own.

This show features a variety of her work from her dozen years of painting.

“I try to do a series of three paintings when I work on a different subject or media,” she said. “Usually the first one is the best. The freshness of a new experience can be experienced only once.”

To contact the artist, send an email to vzalatoris@mac.com.  For more information about art exhibits in the library, contact Kristi at austkris@isu.edu.

The Oboler library is located at 850 S. Ninth Street, on the corner of South Ninth and Martin Luther King Jr. Way in Pocatello.



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