Continuing Education and Workforce Training (CEWT) policy on discount courses for University staff and faculty
Continuing Education and Workforce Training (CEWT) is a division within the College of Technology and supports the University and local economy by delivering programs and courses that meet professional development, workforce training and continued learning for our community and region.
We recognize and support the University’s efforts to continue making our campus a desirable place to work through the reduced tuition option for benefited employees.
CEWT will offer all benefited ISU employees a 50% discount on all Continuing Education or Workforce Training courses subject to the following conditions:
- All full-paying customers have first priority for registration
- The minimum required student numbers must first be met for each class before discounted faculty and staff will be accepted
- The discount only applies to employees
- At registration, ISU employees seeking a discount will go on a Wait List until it is determined there is an available seat. They will be notified if they are confirmed for attendance or not by the “Cancel-Run” date which is usually 1-2 days before the class begins.
- When confirmed for the class they will be charged and their payment must be received no later than the first day of class.
- For University departments wishing to send an employee to a CEWT class as an official training, that department will be subject to the same conditions as an individual University employee. Full-paying departments, like full-paying customers have first priority for registration. Departments seeking the 50% discount will be wait-listed.