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In this Issue

Idaho Office of the Governor, Idaho State University announce details of tuition lock pilot program for ISU students

MERIDIAN – Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter and Idaho State University have announced the details of a pilot program that would ensure that base tuition rates for undergraduate Idaho students remain the same for four continuous academic years.

Idaho State University history professor Zack Heern looks to help change the perspective towards the Middle East

POCATELLO – On Sept. 11, 2001, Zack Heern sat in a University of California, Los Angeles classroom astonished by the attacks on the World Trade Center. Heern was an undergraduate student of Middle East studies at the time.

News Bites

Idaho State University alumnus Michael B. Calley has been recognized as the “Outstanding Engineer of the Year” at the annual Engineering Week Banquet

POCATELLO – Idaho State University alumnus Michael B. Calley has been recognized with the “Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award” by Idaho State University.

Expansion of Idaho State University Paramedic Science Program announced

Idaho Falls- The Idaho State University Paramedic Science program is expanding to Eastern Idaho.

Albion State Normal School records available online at ISU Oboler Library

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Special Collection Archives now features a collection from the Albion State Normal School.

Idaho State University dance students return from the American College Dance Association Northwest Conference

POCATELLO – Ten Idaho State University students and faculty from the Department of Theatre and Dance attended the American College Dance Association (ACDA) Northwest Conference from March 9 to 12 in Laramie, Wyoming.

ISU ‘Be Advised’ program helps students prepare to register; fall registration begins April 11

POCATELLO – Idaho State University Central Academic Advising continues its “Be Advised” campaign. Students are encouraged to “Declare Your Major,” prior to registering for fall classes.

Faculty/Staff Updates

Idaho State University’s Donna Lybecker travels to New Zealand to speak at University of Otago

POCATELLO -- Donna Lybecker, chair of the Idaho State University Department of Political Science, recently traveled to Dunedin, New Zealand, where she spoke to students and faculty at the University of Otago about ecosystems services, the Portneuf River and policy narrative.

ISU Professor Emeritus James Aho publishes “Far-Right Fantasy: Sociology of American Politics and Religion and Politics”

POCATELLO – Idaho State University sociology Professor Emeritus James Aho’s latest book, “Far-Right Fantasy: A Sociology of American Religion and Politics,” has been released by the world’s largest academic publisher, Routledge.

All are invited to celebrate the retirements of Drs. Tony and Paula Seikel.

Xing Ma has published a new article on Integrative Biology

Shane Gleason Publishes Article


ISU Economics Club Northwestern Environmental Unconference cancelled

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Economics Club has cancelled the Northwestern Environmental Unconference, A NEU TIDE, an event that had been scheduled on April 15 and 16 in Pocatello.

2016 Graduate Research Symposium: Showcasing Scholarly and Creative Works set Saturday, April 2

ISU’s 45th annual Spring Powwow set April 1-2

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University student group Native Americans United will host the 45th annual ISU Spring Powwow April 1-2 at Reed Gymnasium.

Pop-up centenary exhibit to highlight 1916 Easter Rising

Students from the Department of History at Idaho State University will have their work covering the 100-year anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland displayed in a centenary exhibit in ISU’s Pond Student Union Building on March 28 and 29 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Idaho State University Graduate Research Symposium set April 2 features more than 60 students presenting research

POCATELLO – More than 60 students from Idaho State University will have the opportunity to present their academic research at the annual Graduate School Research Day Symposium on Saturday, April 2.

“What’s in Your Attic? Decoding the Past through Cultural Artifacts” presentation and workshop set April 11 at ISU Oboler Library

POCATELLO – The Eli M. Oboler Library at Idaho State University will host a presentation and workshop with Randy Silverman at 7 p.m. April 11, based on the question, “What’s in Your Attic?”

Celebrate Shakespeare 400 at Idaho State University April 5

POCATELLO – In honor of Shakespeare 400, the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's life (1564-1616), the Department of English and Philosophy at Idaho State University is sponsoring a public lecture titled, "Editorial Re-Fashioning, Or What Have We Done to Shakespeare?"

Celebrate Shakespeare 400

Safe Space Training April 8

School of Nursing 60th Anniversary Celebration Set

The School of Nursing is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a celebratory dinner in Boise, and a reunion celebration and dinner in Pocatello.

ISU presents country singer Dustin Lynch April 25 at the Stephens Performing Arts Center

POCATELLO – Idaho State University will present country singer Dustin Lynch April 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Stephens Performing Arts Center’s Jensen Grand Concert Hall.

Southeast Idaho Military Ball set April 22 at ISU Pond Student Union Ballroom

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Veteran Student Services Center will host the Southeast Idaho Military Ball on Friday, April 22, from 7 to 10 p.m. at ISU Pond Student Union Ballroom.

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