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Water Main Repair Emergency Shut-Off

July 1, 2024

On Monday, July 1 at approximately 10:20 a.m. construction personnel working on the steam tunnel project on the north end of the Hutchinson Quadrangle, hit a critical water main line. In order to accurately assess and address the situation, site personnel and Facilities Services in partnership with the City of Pocatello, deemed it necessary to shut off water to the following buildings on the Pocatello campus. 

Lillibridge Engineering Building
Physical Science Building
Business Administration Building
Frazier Hall
Liberal Arts Building

The emergency water shut-off for buildings located around the north end of the Hutchinson Quadrangle is estimated to extend through the remainder of the day Monday. Classes and work continue in the facilities, however, faculty, staff and students who work or have classes in the impacted buildings will need to use restrooms and obtain drinking water from non-impacted buildings. Graveley Hall, Administration, Colonial Hall and the Pond Student Union are nearby and available.

Classes taught in the affected buildings will continue on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Faculty, please provide flexibility for students if extra time is needed to access facilities in other buildings. Additionally, extra precautions should be taken in labs and classrooms, as eyewash and emergency showers will be unusable during this time. Employees working in the impacted buildings are encouraged to contact their supervisors if accommodations need to be made for remote work.

Repairs to the main water line affecting the Business Administration (BA) building were planned, with a scheduled water outage for that building only on Tuesday, July 2 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This work will be completed during the current emergency water shut-off and the Business Administration building will now have water restored at the same time as the other affected buildings.

This project is part of a deferred maintenance project to improve the steam tunnels, enhancing worker safety and improving the functionality for the University heating system. Various stages of this project will continue until late Fall 2024. Scheduled power and water outages will be communicated to faculty, staff and students. 

Any necessary updates will be sent via ISU email.


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