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Laura Ahola-Young Named Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

June 27, 2024

The Office of the Provost has named Professor Laura Ahola-Young to the position of Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.  Professor Ahola-Young is Professor of Art in the Department of Art in the College of Arts and Letters.  She has served the institution as Faculty Ombuds (current), as Faculty Senate co-Chair, Faculty Senator, and as Interim Chair of the Department of Art.  Professor Ahola-Young was a key member of the faculty group that drafted the ISU Faculty Constitution, and she is known across campus for her work in building a supportive environment for the advancement of faculty and students.  She is an internationally known and admired painter, as well, and has been a faculty member at ISU since 2013. 

"I am extremely pleased that Professor Ahola-Young has agreed to serve in this new position and am looking forward to working with her on advancing faculty support within the institution," says Adam Bradford, acting provost and vice president for academic affairs. 

Professor Ahola-Young will begin her duties on July 8 and replaces Dr. Karen Appleby in this role.  After many years of meritorious service in the Office of Academic Affairs, including as Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs during the worst times of the COVID 19 pandemic (2020-2022) Dr. Appleby has chosen to step back from administrative roles and return to her faculty position in the College of Education. 

Bradford adds, "I, and the institution more broadly, owe Karen a debt of gratitude for the significant sacrifices she has made over the last many years while shepherding the institution through difficult times.  I invite you to join me in thanking her for her notable service to ISU."


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