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ISU Seeks Chief Campus Administrator for Eastern and Southern Idaho

June 6, 2024

President Wagner announced Wednesday that he is launching a renewed commitment to enriching the student experience at ISU's Idaho Falls and Twin Falls campuses.

He believes that both of these campuses, and their communities, offer students in the region transformative educational experiences, serve as sites for research and industry collaboration, and connect the local community to the broader university environment. The success of these campus locations is critical to the bold future that lies ahead for Idaho State University, and I am committed to growing our presence in these areas to serve students, industry partners, and local communities.  

Regarding the search for a leadership position for the Idaho Falls campus, President Wagner shared, "I am excited to announce that in the coming weeks we will be launching a search for the Chief Campus Administrator for Eastern and Southern Idaho, a new position in the Office of the President."

This expanded leadership position will be charged with coordinating with all constituents of the broad campus community to facilitate the vibrancy and growth of both the Idaho Falls and Twin Falls campuses. This will include collaborating with established leadership on academic program delivery, research support, community engagement, and administering campus operations. 

Wagner adds, "I am very excited to move forward to identify a visionary leader for the Idaho Falls and Twin Falls campuses, and more information will be shared as the search progresses."


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