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This Suicide Prevention Week, Double Your Impact

September 9, 2024

Idaho State University is launching a week-long campaign in honor of Suicide Prevention Week to raise awareness and funds for the DeCou Family Endowment for Suicide Prevention.

Established by ISU alumnus Chris DeCou and his partner Becky, this endowment provides crucial research funding to ISU Clinical Psychology Ph.D. students who are dedicated to the field of suicide prevention.

To mark this important time of awareness, the DeCous have pledged to match every dollar donated to the DeCou Family Endowment, up to $5,000. This generous challenge means that contributions made during the campaign will have double the impact on suicide prevention research at ISU.

“Mental health is a priority at Idaho State University,” said Dr. Kandi Turley-Ames, Dean of the College of Arts and Letters. “With Idaho facing alarmingly high suicide rates, initiatives like the DeCou Family Endowment are critical to addressing this public health crisis. We are incredibly grateful to Chris and Becky for their commitment to this cause.”

Chris, a licensed clinical psychologist and head of Global Behavioral Health at Amazon, is a proud ISU graduate who is passionate about giving back to the community. “Scholarship funds were a lifeline for me during my graduate studies,” Chris explained. “Anything Becky and I can do to support those dedicating their lives to suicide prevention is an investment in the future of mental health.”

The campaign will run from September 9 through September 14, with daily social media posts, email outreach, and community engagement efforts to raise awareness about suicide prevention and encourage donations. ISU alumni, students, and supporters are encouraged to participate and help make a difference in the fight against suicide.

To donate to the DeCou Family Endowment for Suicide Prevention and have your gift matched by Chris DeCou, visit https://fundraise.givesmart.com/vf/DeCou.

For more information, please contact Tabitha La Force at  (208) 282-1404, tabithalaforce@isu.edu


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