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ISU Introduces New Advisory Board to Foster Excellence in Social Work Education

October 28, 2024

Idaho State University is pleased to announce the formation of a Social Work Programs Advisory Board (SWPAB). This board is a community-based, professional resource that supports the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) and the Master of Social Work (MSW) programs. 

The primary functions of the advisory board includes providing input and feedback on BASW and MSW curriculum, connecting the program to updates on practicum needs, and providing the departments with input on contemporary needs and challenges being addressed by community-based practitioners. The SWPAB may also be involved in fundraising efforts for targeted initiatives such as endowed scholarships or social work program events.

“We are delighted to welcome new members to our advisory board,” says MSW Director, Dr. Darci Graves. “Maintaining a strong connection between social work faculty and social workers in the community is imperative in providing our students with the best possible education. Our programs are committed to training the highest quality of social workers who will go on to practice in the state of Idaho, and guidance offered by board members will support this goal.”

The advisory board has nine seats, each designated for a representative from a specialized area within social work practice. Current board members include Joshua Bode, Willow Abrahamson, Francine Frank, Erin Bryant, Louisa Kindle, and Matthew Olson. The board also includes four student members: Nicole Hill, Mya McKown, Nichole Knowles, and Sydney Fregoso. 

Open board seats are currently being filled through a nomination and invitation process. The board held its inaugural meeting in September and all members are eager to participate in curriculum review as the social work department gears up for an upcoming reaffirmation process. 

The social work program faculty are grateful for all those community members committed to the success of our students and our program, and we look forward to continued partnerships that will allow us to meet the high demand for quality social workers across the state. 


College of Arts and LettersUniversity News



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