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Wednesday Webinar: Google Drive Resources vs. Files

February 27, 2023

Documents, videos, and files of all types and sizes are a part of course design and delivery and you may wonder, “What is the best way to present resources to students?” 

Join us for a brief webinar to learn about the differences between uploading files to a Moodle course and using Google Drive to link to resources. We will go over the benefits of both methods and discuss some considerations to keep in mind as you choose the best option for your course.

Join us on Wednesday, March 1 at 2 p.m. for 20 minutes.

Register for the webinar

The ITRC Wednesday Webinars are a series of short, live Zoom training sessions. These webinars are available to all ISU campuses and locations. All ITRC Wednesday Webinars are recorded and uploaded to the ITRC Video Training Library for on-demand viewing access. 

For more information:

Contact the ITRC: itrc@isu.edu or (208) 282-5880


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