ISU Women's Choir to Return in the Fall
August 3, 2023

The ISU Women’s/Treble Choir will return this fall under the direction of Dr. Geoffrey Friedley.
The ensemble – listed in the ISU class schedule as MUSP 1172 (15668) and MUSP 4472 (15669) – will rehearse Monday, Wednesday and Friday from noon to 12:50 pm in Frazier Hall’s Chick and Diane Bilyeu Theatre. All women and people with treble voices are invited to join this ensemble, including ISU students, ISU faculty and staff, and community members. Auditions for section placement in the ensemble will take place during the first week of school, August 21-25.
“Reinstating Women’s/Treble Choir shows that the music department is returning to a vibrant and healthy presence on ISU’s campus,” said Music Department Chair Dr. Shandra Helman. “We also hope to rejuvenate interest within ISU’s faculty/staff and surrounding community population now that it will be meeting in Frazier Hall, a more central location on lower campus. We welcome all participants!”
The Women’s/Treble Choir has a long history at Idaho State, beginning in 1996, and led by now-Professor Emeritus Kathleen Lane. Lane led the group through Spring 2018.
“When I initiated the ISU Women's Choir in 1996, I was an assistant professor in my third year at the Department of Music,” Lane said “Over the next twenty-one years, the choir and I both matured as it developed into a full-fledged collegiate ensemble that provided some of the most moving artistic moments of my three-decade career at ISU. I will always be grateful to Dr. Scott Anderson for his friendship and encouragement. I am thrilled to see this ensemble reborn as the ISU Treble Choir under the direction of Dr. Friedley. I wish them a wonderful voyage of musical discovery.”
Dr. Scott Anderson, Director of Choral Activities, said, “The ISU Women’s Choir, under Professor Kathleen Lane, provided a wonderful choral experience for singers in our program for 22 years! I am thrilled that the new ISU Women’s/Treble Choir will revive that tradition, expanding upon the legacy established by the original ensemble. Conductor Dr. Geoffrey Friedley will bring his own relentless musical enthusiasm to every rehearsal, and we will once again feature a choral ensemble specializing in the significant treble literature of the choral canon.”
For more information on the choir, please contact Geoffrey Friedley at or (208) 282-3864.