FY23 FSA Reminder
June 12, 2023
This is just a friendly reminder that our FY23 plan year (7/1/2022-6/30/2023) is about to come to an end.
- For Health Care FSA, $570 will automatically carry over into the FY24 plan year, so now is the time to make sure you get your Healthcare FSA spent down. Claims for FY23 can be made through October 31, 2023.
- For Day Care FSA, there is no carryover, however, claims for FY23 can be made through September 15, 2023.
- FY24 FSA and HSA contributions will begin on the July 7, 2023 paycheck, and claims can be made effective July 1, 2023.
- Please remember separation of employment overrides these general plan rules mentioned above. The date of separation becomes the effective date for the last day a claim can be made, regardless of fiscal year.
Please see this website for more information or contact HR Benefits Coordinator, Janice Romero, benefits@isu.edu.