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Gem State Air Quality Initiative - Federal Funding for Air Quality

October 9, 2023

Please join the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the University of Idaho McClure Center for the Gem State Air Quality Initiative Kickoff Meeting on Oct. 19, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Idaho received federal funding to develop and implement a statewide plan for improving air quality. The goal of the federal funding is to help to support job creation, lower energy costs for families, and deliver cleaner air
in places where people live, work, play, and go to school, particularly in rural communities. By participating, Idaho is eligible for $4.6 billion in implementation funding to support existing and new community, government, industry, and non-governmental organization (NGO) projects.

Without participating, only three metropolitan areas and tribes would have been eligible for the $4.6 billion. 
We need to incorporate air quality improvement projects that are happening or are needed across the state to ensure Idaho entities can apply for implementation funding. The deadline for submitting ideas is Nov. 8. 

You can share information about a current or future project here  or at a public meeting Thursday, October 19, from 2-3:20 p.m. in the Boise area and online. Please register for the public meeting. For questions, please email gsaqi@deq.idaho.gov

The Office for Research and Vice President Martin Blair encourage interested faculty to attend this meeting. Funds are available, from the Office for Research, to help support attending this meeting in person. If you plan to attend in
person, please fill out this brief form.


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