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Idaho State University Alumni Association Announces 2022 Homecoming Award Recipients

July 5, 2022

Each year at Homecoming, Idaho State University honors alumni who are trailblazers, making a significant impact on the lives of others and their communities.

Congratulations to the following Homecoming 2022 award winners
Donna Hays
Parade Grand Marshal
Jessica McBean
Young Alumni Award 
Jessica Young
ISU Distinguished Service Award
Wendy Mickelsen
ISU Achievement Award
Steve and Cinthia Rice
William J. Bartz Award
Galo Medina
President’s Medallion
Shelly Sayer
ISU Distinguished Alumna Award
Homecoming recipients will be formally recognized by President Kevin Satterlee at the President’s Alumni Recognition Dinner at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, in the Pond Student Union Ballroom. A reception will begin at 6 p.m. Cost is $65 per person, and reservations are required. Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (208) 282-3755 or alumni@isu.edu to save your seat. 
Idaho State University will also recognize the homecoming award recipients during the football halftime program on Oct. 15 as the Bengals take on Cal Poly at Holt Arena. 


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