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Idaho Museum of Natural History to Open "True Colors: The Fujii Rock Collection" Exhibit

December 1, 2022

The Idaho Museum of Natural History on the Idaho State University Pocatello campus will open its newest exhibition True Colors: The Fujii Rock Collection on Dec. 3.

Nature makes the best art! See one of the best collections of agate and fossil wood from the West. The Fujii collection was created by a first-generation Japanese-American family with a passion for showcasing the colorful beauty of nature. 

"This is a premier collection of semi-precious stones from our region that were collected over 50 years ago and very hard to find today," said Museum Director Leif Tapanila. "It's a rockhound's dream!"

Visitors will see the true colors of Bruenau Jasper, a wide range of petrified wood, giant geodes, and rainbow obsidian. The exhibition follows the story of Henry Fujii, a Japanese immigrant, as he and his family navigate the complicated world of the early 20th century. His story of success in the face of adversity has inspired and continues to inspire today. 

The IMNH has been serving Idaho since 1934. To learn more about the IMNH, please visit imnh.isu.edu.



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