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Mental Health of Students Training for Faculty/Staff Meridian

February 10, 2020

 For the last two years, "mental health concerns" have been cited as one of the top reasons students stop attending ISU (University Leaver Survey). Research shows this is not just a trend at ISU, but a trend being experienced at universities across the nation. The American Council on Education states the following in their 2019 publication, “Investing in Student Health: Opportunities and Benefits for College Leadership”:

Colleges and universities need to address the mental health of students on their campuses. Poor mental health hinders students’ academic success; untreated mental health issues may lead to lower GPAs, discontinuous enrollment, and too often, lapses in enrollment. An institution’s investment in student mental health is important for the social, educational, and economic well-being of students, their campuses, and broader society. Investing time and resources in student mental health can result in academic and economic benefits for an institution and society.

In response to the growing concern of losing retention, ISU Counseling and Testing Service began offering the RESPOND training in Fall 2018. RESPOND training is an in-depth workshop designed to help faculty and staff feel more comfortable and better prepared to respond to students who are experiencing emotional distress by offering support but also knowing when to refer to a professional counselor. We welcome and encourage faculty and staff to take part in this workshop. While it is a significant commitment of your time, the workshop is interactive and allows ample time for questions and discussion. With knowledge and skills, we can all be a part of the response and solution.

Friday, Feb. 21
Sam and Aline Skaggs Health Science Center, Room 682
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (there will be a break for lunch)


Online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdd3csmL7GvCNy5fz7yt6KlTzcdstg8lZF_NleO3GJQcQ5QGA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Cliff Rone (roneclif@isu.edu or x1921)

In the past, workshops tend to fill fast, so please let us know ASAP should you want to attend.


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