Coping during COVID: Nutrition Wellness through Mindful Eating
May 21, 2020

Center for Advanced Energy Studies seminar features ISU's Natalie Christensen
CAES’s Coping During COVID seminar series resumes May 27 at 11 a.m. with a presentation by Idaho State University Sports Dietician Natalie Christensen.
Christensen’s presentation, "Coping During COVID: Nutrition Wellness through Mindful Eating," will address how nutrition is interwoven into every aspect of wellness and the ways we can be mindful about our food choices and relationships with food.
Has the pandemic affected your eating habits? Maybe you have not noticed, or perhaps you have become hyper-aware. Christensen’s talk will discuss the factors that influence our food choices, including emotions, environment, culture, income, and health status. She also will describe the concept of mindful eating: being aware, without judgement, of what you are eating, why you are eating it and how it makes you feel.
Christensen is a former athlete at ISU who consults others on the impact of nutrition on competitive performance. She provides nutrition education in a variety of settings and enjoys guiding athletes through challenges related to nutrition and performance.
Her presentation is from 11 a.m. to noon on May 27 on GoToWebinar. Go here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information needed to join the webinar.
CAES’s Coping During COVID seminar series is intended to help you deal with the special circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. The series kicked off in April with a presentation on mental wellness by Dr. Dan Weinrich, a counselor with INL’s Employee Assistance Program. More information about the seminar and the recording of Weinrich’s presentation are available here.