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ISU Positive Body Image Symposium features keynote speaker Kirby Slager

February 21, 2019

POCATELLO – The third annual Positive Body Image Symposium at Idaho State University will run  from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 12 and feature the keynote presentation “Love Wild – Embracing the Wild within” by actress and comedian Kirby Slager at 5:30 p.m.

Kirby Slager picureSponsored by the ISU Gender Resource Center, the symposium is free and open to the public in the Pond Student Union Wood and Little Wood River Rooms on the second floor. Registration is required for the event.

The event features renowned researchers and lectures with expertise in different types of body-image related topics. The sessions will offer continuing education credits with certificates at a cost of $35 for the day, or  $10 for per session.  The link to register for CE’s: https://idahostateu.com/postivebody.

RSVPs are requested for attendance to the luncheon and to the keynote address.

Slager, the keyote speaker,  bills herself an actor, comedian, speaker, dancer, writer and teacher.

“Each and every one of us has a gift, a calling, a unique purpose that speaks to us in hopes that one day we will hear this whispering voice and not only begin to honor what we are truly capable of, but remember who we have always been,” Slager said. “…I can help you find this voice, I can help you free yourself.”

The schedule for the symposium is as follows:

• 8 a.m. – “Aging and Body Image,” Cindy Seiger, ISU associate professor of physical therapy.

• 9 a.m. – “Somatic Movement and Mindfulness,” Molly Jorgensen, ISU adjunct faculty.

• 10 a.m. –  “Eating Disorders Explained,” Lauren Flores, marriage and family therapist, Center for Change. 

• 11a.m. – “Body Stories: Discovering Connections through Movement, Awareness, and Expression,” Kathleen Diehl, ISU assistant professor and director of dance.

• noon – Lunch (provided,  but please RSVP)

• 1 p.m. – “Positive Body Image and You (Part 1),” Janette Olsen, ISU associate professor, Department of Community and Public Health.

• 2 p.m. – “Body Image and Resilience (Part 2),” Janette Olsen, ISU associate professor, Department of Community and Public Health.

• 3 p.m. – “Embodying Intersectional Approaches and Practices on Positive Body Image,” Christian D. Chan, ISU assistant professor of counseling, Olivia T. Ngadjui, ISU doctoral student in counselor education and counseling; and Camille D. Frank, ISU doctoral student in counselor education and counseling.

• 5:30 p.m. – Keynote presentation “Love Wild – Embracing the Wild within” by actress and comedian Kirby Slager.

Registration is required for the event and for more information about this symposium, please contact Stephanie Richardson at 208-282-3590 or richstep@isu.edu.


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