ISU debaters win first place at Lewis Clark
October 17, 2019

PORTLAND, Oregon – Idaho State University’s Rupp Debate Squad continues its season’s success of capturing top honors recently at the Hunt Classic Invitational Debate Tournament in Portland. Bengal Debaters delivered first and third place in Open British Parliamentary Debate.
Junior Kaden Marchetti, of Pocatello, and his teammate sophomore Jett Smith, also of Pocatello, delivered first place in the final round of the British Parliamentary competition. The speakers argued their way through nine rounds in two days to the top, besting over 36 teams. Marchetti studies computer science; Smith majors in communication.
Third place in the British parliamentary contest was awarded to the ISU team of Jordan Reynolds and Joseph Tyler. Reynolds, of Blackfoot, is a sophomore in the creative writing major, and his partner Tyler of Idaho Falls is a freshman in computer science.
Novice freshman Jazzlynn Carranza, Pocatello, was noted as a top speaker despite not advancing to final rounds in junior varsity parliamentary debate.
More than 95 teams from 30 universities nationwide attended the competition.
The Bengal’s next competition will be an online tournament set for Oct. 27.
The Associated Students of ISU, the College of Arts and Letters, the Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion, and others support the ISU James M. and Sharon E. Rupp Debate program.