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College of Nursing Faculty Presents Poster at Alzheimer's Association International Conference

August 26, 2019

Dr. Melody Weaver, an assistant professor in the College of Nursing, presented a poster "Dementia Knowledge Assessment of Older Adults (>65) in Rural SE Idaho, USA". 
Dr. Weaver and her research assistant, Ashley Borg (Radiographic Science) conducted  a study assessing knowledge of older adults regarding many dementia in  the seven counties served by the Area Agency on Aging Region 5.  The older adults included those  who participated in both congregate and home-delivered meals through each county's nutrition program.
Results demonstrated a knowledge deficit  about dementia which will be addressed by this same team returning to all of the nutrition sites this fall to provide both a live presentation as well as provide written material for the older adults, concluding with a question and answer period.  brief presentation will also be offered to the clinical entities in each community.
Filling this knowledge gap will help to empower older adults, caregivers and their care recipients, to inquire about and provide more appropriate care for this growing population, thus increasing the likelihood of aging-in-place.


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