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ISU CW HOG to host 16th annual Golf Tournament on July 14

June 27, 2018

Four participants at 2017 tournament
From left, Ali Gorny, Emily Edwards, Tiffani Wilson, and Mona Xu, all ISU faculty and staff participating in a previous CW HOG golf tournament.

POCATELLO – Idaho State University Cooperative Wilderness Handicapped Outdoor Group will host its 16th annual golf tournament on July 14 at the Riverside Golf Course in Pocatello.

The cost is $30 per person with a season pass or $50 per four person teams. All proceeds will benefit the CW HOG program.

Prizes will include mugs for the first-, second- and third-place teams, and for the longest drive and closest to the pin. There will also be a raffle for a 2018 season golf pass and rounds of golf from local courses. Other raffle items will include a poker run and a lunch at the course.

To sign up, visit the Outdoor Adventure Office/CW HOG Office at ISU, the Riverside Golf Course or the Highland Golf Course.

For more information, contact Robert Ellis at ellirobe@isu.edu.


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