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ISU College of Arts and Letters to host four summer camps for middle and high school students

May 15, 2018

Marching Band Camp
A scene from a previous Marching Band Camp.

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s College of Arts & Letters will host a variety of camps this summer for students of all ages. The camps include those in music, art and design.     

• CAMP: June 11 and 12

            ISU’s CAMP (Communication, Art, Media and Persuasion) provides hands-on college-level experiences for high school students through the collaborative efforts of the Departments of Art and Communication, Media and Persuasion. Students will have the opportunity to develop 3-D models, work with mixed media and found objects to create a sculpture, produce a television program, create their own handmade books and develop a website highlighting the experience. During the two-day camp, students will stay overnight in on-campus housing, tour the ISU campus, participate in workshops offered by ISU faculty and attend university activities.

            Early bird registration is $50 and raises to $65 after May 25. Early bird registration with housing is $75 and raises to $90 after May 25.

            More information is available at isu.edu/cal.

• ISU Creative Jazz Academy: June 18-22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily

            The ISU Creative Jazz Academy will provide musicians the opportunity to learn from ISU director of jazz studies, Jon Armstrong and music teachers from the Pocatello area. Musicians will participate every day in group warm-ups, followed by small ensemble work led by faculty members and play music as a large ensemble. Students will also arrange and compose music. There will be a final performance on June 22 at 2 p.m. in Goranson Hall in the Fine Arts Building.

            Tuition is $100. Interested students can contact Jon Armstrong at 282-3143.

            More information is available at isu.edu/cal.

• Summer Institute for Piano and Strings: June 25-30, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily

            The Summer Institute for Piano and Strings (SIPS) is for students entering grades eight through 12 who are advanced pianists and strings players. SIPS gives students the opportunity to rehearse, coach and perform chamber music designed for piano and strings. Daily activities include solo and collaborative performance study, music classes, ensembles and various other group activities.

            There will also be a Junior Strings and Piano camp that will run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily. There will be Jr. String/Jr. Piano concert on June 23 at noon in Goranson Hall. The Sr. String/Sr. Piano concert will be June 23 at 7 p.m. in Jensen Hall.

            Tuition is $125 for Jr. Strings/Jr. Piano, $225 for Piano and Strings tuition and lunch, and $375 for Piano and Strings with all meals and lodging. There is a $50 deposit due with application.

            More information is available at thesymphony.us.

• ISU Summer Marching Band Camp: July 10-12, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily

            The ISU Summer Marching Band Camp is held every year to expose high school students to ISU and its music department. During the two-day camp, students participate in workshops and classes, interact with ISU faculty and staff, as well as talented musicians from other universities and organizations. Participants can choose from five unique tracks including the performance track, drumline/mallet track, section leader, drum major and colorguard. The camp will conclude with a large performance by all students on ISU’s quad on July 12 at 6 p.m.

            Tuition is $180 for local musicians, $275 for individuals needing housing. There is also a group rate available for schools.

            More information is available at isu.edu/cal.







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