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Psychology Professor selected as American Psychological Association Expert Reviewer

January 11, 2019

Assistant professor of experimental psychology Erika Fulton has been selected as an expert reviewer for the Advisory Panel of the National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula. The group will revise national standards set by the American Psychological Association.


Fulton is one of 12 reviewers on the panel and one of two reviewers serving in the cognitive domain. Before becoming a university professor, she worked as a K-12 educator for 10 years and will apply that experience to her service on the panel.

“It is exciting and an honor to have the opportunity to help shape the cognitive psychology that high school students nationwide are expected to learn,” she said. “Personally, it is very rewarding to be able to use my unique background as a K-12 educator prior to becoming a professor to inform my review of the National Standards and to be able to represent ISU in this charge.”


College of Arts and LettersUniversity News



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