President of American Society for Civil Engineers Kristina Swallow to participate in presentations at ISU on Sept. 18
September 13, 2018

POCATELLO – Kristina Swallow, national president of the American Society of Civil Engineers, will be featured in two presentations at Idaho State University on Sept. 18.
Swallow will participate in the panel discussion “Females in Civil Engineering” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the ISU Pond Student Union Heritage Room and will deliver a lunch presentation from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the ISU Rendezvous Complex ABC Suites.
ASCE's stated vision is “Civil engineers are global leaders building a better quality of life.” The Vision of 2025 closely mirrors and further articulates the Society's vision and was developed by a diverse group of industry leaders from across the globe, including ASCE leadership, engineers in multiple disciplines, architects, educators, and others. It states “civil engineers will serve as master builders, environmental stewards, innovators and integrators, managers of risk and uncertainty, and leaders in shaping public policy,” according to the group’s website.
“Our vision is clear and achievable,” Swallow said. “It should guide us individually as we develop in our own careers and define how our profession is regarded by society at large.”
Swallow earned her Master of Science degree in engineering, civil and environmental engineering, from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and her Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of Arizona. She is a licensed professional engineer in Nevada.
Swallow has worked as the engineering program manager for the City of Las Vegas since 2012. She worked in the Office of Senator Tom Udall from 2009 to 2012 as the senator’s lead on transportation policy. She has also been a legislative assistant for transportation policy, a science and technology fellow for the American Society of Civil Engineers/American Association for the Advancement of Science, owner and president of AVP Consulting, and held a variety of other positions since 1994.
Swallow’s visit is being hosted by the ISU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the College of Science and Engineering.
For more information on her presentations, please contact Mustafa Mashal, assistant professor of civil engineering, at 208-282-4587 or Blake Kleffner, ISU ASCE Student Chapter President,