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Jan. 26 Fishing Derby at Sportsman’s Park at American Falls Reservoir Features $500 First Prize for Trout, $250 for Perch

January 7, 2019

Flyer advertising ice fishing derby.

POCATELLO – A fishing derby running 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26, at Sportsman’s Park on the west side of American Falls Reservoir near Aberdeen features a $500 first-place prize for the largest trout and a $250 first-place prize for the largest perch.


The derby is sponsored by the Portneuf Unit of the American Fisheries Society, a student-run organization at Idaho State University.  The derby is a fundraiser for the group.

There is a $35 per person entry fee. Online registration is available at https://sites.google.com/site/portneufafs/afs-ice-derby. Participants should email portneuf.afs@gmail.com or call (208) 520-3902 if they are planning to participate to ensure their registration is received and accepted.

Mail-in registration is accepted, but must be received by the chapter by Monday, Jan. 21 Call before using mail in registration to ensure spots are available. Online registration is preferred. Registration will be accepted the day of the event, but will be capped at 100 entrants. Registration is first-come, first-served.

In the trout category there will also be a $250 cash prize for second and a $150 cash prize for third. Second place in the perch category is $100, and third place is free entry into next year’s derby.


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