ISU Outdoor Adventure Center yurt open for rental reservations Oct. 1, occupancy Nov. 1
September 19, 2018

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC) yurt rentals will be open for the season starting Nov. 1, reservations can be made starting Oct. 1.
The Portneuf Yurt System features four yurts: Skyline, Catamount, Inman and Jackson. All yurts are located in the Portneuf Range just outside of Pocatello, and offer a variety of terrain. Yurt travel ranges from beginner friendly, to intermediate and advanced.
The yurts are beautiful wood and canvas Mongolian style dome shaped structures. At the top of the dome is a skylight for watching the stars at night. Inside the yurt are bunk beds, a wood stove, cooking stove and lantern. Two of the yurts – Skyline and Catamount – are at lower, relatively easy spots to access. Inman is at a higher elevation and is moderately difficulty to get to. Jackson is located at the highest elevation and is the most difficult and strenuous to reach.
The yurt system is a great way to escape for an adventurous weekend and celebrate the winter season.
The Portneuf Yurt System rental rates for 2018-19 are:
• For the 20-foot in diameter Skyline yurt, prices Sunday through Thursday nights are $40 for ISU students/faculty/staff, and $50 per night for community members. Rental prices for Friday and Saturday nights are $70 for ISU students/ faculty/staff, and $80 for community members.
• For the 16-foot in diameter Jackson, Inman and Catamount yurts, prices Sunday through Thursday nights are $30 per night for ISU students/faculty/staff, and $40 per night for community members. Rental prices for Friday and Saturday nights are $60 for ISU students/faculty/staff, and $70 for community members.
The OAC also has a variety of winter equipment available for rent. Rental equipment includes snow shoes, cross-country skis, touring skis, and avalanche safety equipment. Visit for a complete listing of rental prices and yurt information.
The OAC is open Mondays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and closed weekends.
The OAC is looking for volunteers to help setup the yurts. Visit the OAC and sign up. Volunteers will meet at 8 a.m. on Oct. 20 at the OAC. Bring work gloves, water and snacks. Transportation to the yurt sites will be provided.
For more information call the OAC at 208-282-3912.