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ISU Law Club hosts nonpartisan #VoteTogether celebration 1-10 p.m. Nov. 6 in Rendezvous ABC Suites

November 5, 2018

The event is part of a national campaign to change the culture of voting and increase participation in the 2018 elections.

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University Law Club will host #VoteTogether celebration from 1 to 10 p.m. Nov. 6 in the Rendezvous ABC Suites to celebrate civic pride and encourage greater participation in the upcoming midterm election. 

This bipartisan event will focus on voter awareness and participation. Live election results will be monitored as they are released throughout the country, and  The League of Women Voters will be onsite to shuttle attendees to and from the polls

Prizes will be available at the door, and food will be provided by Mama Inez.  Candidates and university dignitaries will be in attendance.

The event is being hosted as part of #VoteTogether, a national initiative to bring together families, friends and neighbors in celebration of civic engagement and the act of voting. The initiative aims to create 2000 voting celebrations across the county. Learn more at https://votetogetherusa.org.

 “We are very excited to be hosting this #VoteTogether election day watch part,” said Sheridan Hapsic, sISU Law Club Secretary. “ It is a fun way to bring together both the ISU community and the greater Pocatello community and to encourage civic awareness and engagement. Everyone is welcome, so join us for a night of food, friends, and fun.” 


ISU Law Club is a student organization focused on all things law and law school. As such, many of our members are political science majors with an interest in pursuing law or politics as a career. This event will enable club members to engage students and the community in the political process, while also connecting with current political candidates. 


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