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ISU departments receive Idaho Humanities Council Awards

November 19, 2018

POCATELLO — The Idaho Humanities Council Awards recently announced its fall 2018 grant recipients, including three projects from Idaho State University.


The IHC is a statewide nonprofit organization devoted to enhancing public awareness, appreciation and understanding of the humanities in Idaho   The following projects at ISU were funded by the IHC:

 • The Department of English and Philosophy, was awarded $1,999 to bring David Wanczyk, author of “BEEP: Inside the Unseen World of Baseball for the Blind,” to Idaho in November. He gave a public reading and held a public question and answer session regarding literary magazine editorialship. The project director is English Assistant Professor Bethany Schultz Hurst.

• The Department of History was awarded $1,395 to support the Humanities Cafes series. These public symposiums will examine Global Idaho, with scholars and the public meeting together to explore Idaho's global reach. The project director is history Professor Erika Kuhlman.

• Department of History Chair and Professor Zackery Heern was awarded $3,500 to conduct research for a book on the history of state formation in Iraq during and after World War I. His book would advance the scholarship of the histories of Iraq, Britain, Shi'ism and early 20th-century world history.

This fall, the Idaho Humanities Council awarded $115,489 in grants to organizations and individuals. Thirty-four awards include 28 grants for public humanities programs, three research fellowships, three teacher incentives and three other funded programs. The grants were supported in part by funding from the National Endowment of the Humanities and the Idaho Humanities Council’s Endowment for Humanities Education.

For more information on the grants, contact David Pettyjohn at the IHC at (208) 345-5346.


College of Arts and LettersUniversity News



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