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Idaho State University Holiday Card winner is Tim Goodworth

November 26, 2018
Tori Parks, Marketing Career Path Intern

Painting of cross country skier by Red Hill Pillars
Goodworth's winning card.

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Holiday Card contest has come to a close, with Tim Goodworth as the first-place winner. 

Goodworth’s holiday drawing, which features a skier near the iconic ISU pillars, will be showcased on the front of ISU’s official 2018 holiday greeting card.

“Ever since I was little and first saw the pillars on Red Hill, they captured my imagination standing there like sentinels overlooking ISU,” Goodworth said. “My idea and inspiration came from knowing that other students and the community have made the journey to enjoy the pillars.”

Goodworth’s drawing won him the grand prize of $1,000. Runner-up Melissa Ricks will receive a $500.

“I feel honored that my art will be representing ISU,” Goodworth said. “As an art teacher at Snake River High School, I hope this will inspire my students to pursue lofty goals.”

The ISU President’s Holiday Greeting Card Contest was created by former ISU First Lady Laura Vailas and began in 2006. Prize money and printing costs for the contest are provided by a donor each year.

The contest is open to full-time and part-time ISU students and is judged by a committee comprised of representatives from the president’s office, alumni relations, marketing and communications, Associated Students of ISU and the art department.

Submissions were judged by how well students were able to capture the spirit and beauty of the holiday season while thematically incorporating ISU, as well as other secondary factors decided by the committee after the top designs were determined. 


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