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A Celtic Celebration on Jan. 26 in the Stephens Center features pianist Marvin Goldstein, vocalist Vanessa Joy, members of Idaho State Civic Symphony, ISU Choirs

January 18, 2019

Marvin Goldstein at the piano.

POCATELLO ­– A Celtic Celebration presented by Idaho State University’s A Season of Note at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Stephens Performing Arts Center will feature internationally acclaimed musician and composer Marvin Goldstein, acclaimed vocalist Vanessa Joy, Celtic musicians from Salt Lake City and members of the Idaho State Civic Symphony and ISU Choirs.

 “I’d tell the people of Southeast Idaho to drop everything they are doing and stop by for an amazing musical experience,” said Goldstein, who has recorded nearly 50 albums. “We are really excited about performing with local musicians and the Celtic players coming up from Salt Lake.”

Besides playing the piano, Goldstein will play the French horn and accordion, and Joy will play violin in addition to singing.

He said the classical and popular music concert – featuring audience favorites such as “Amazing Grace,” Oh Danny Boy,”  “Shenandoah” and other recognizable tunes  – will be informal in nature with plenty of variety. It is music geared toward the whole family.

“I hope people will come hear how some of these songs are arranged and they’ll be different from what they’ve heard before,” Goldstein said. “The performance is very suitable for young children. Basically, anyone over age 6 will really enjoy this.”

Though most noted for playing the piano and his composing, Joy said Goldstein’s other musical talents shouldn’t be underestimated.

“People are going to hear Marvin play the accordion as well as French horn,” Joy said. “A lot of people don’t realize  he plays those instruments as well as the  piano.”

Goldstein said he’s been performing for more than 50 years, but the highlight of his career has been spending the last 10 years performing with Joy.

“Vanessa is one of the best vocalists I’ve ever known or heard,” Goldstein said. “She is going to match up well with the Stephens Center. As exquisite as the Stephens Center is as a performance venue, that is how exquisite her voice is.”

Audience members from southeast Idaho familiar with the quality of the Stephens Center understand what a compliment that is.

Celtic tunes that will be performed include “Celtic Dance,” “Irish Sweet” and “The Fair Day.”

At 18, Goldstein was awarded a music scholarship to Tel Aviv University School of Music in Israel. He completed his bachelor and master of music degrees at Florida State University. Among his other accomplishments, he has arranged 15 piano solo arrangement books including many sacred hymns. Goldstein is listed in the Who’s Who in Music in Europe at Cambridge, England.

For more information visit www.marvingoldstein.comwww.vanessajoy.net or www.thesymphony.us/.

Prices are $38 for main seating and $32 for upper-level seating. Tickets are available at the ISU Box Office in the Stephens Performing Arts Center (1102 Sam Nixon Dr.), by phone at 282-3595, online at isu.edu/tickets or at Vickers Western Wear.

For more information on the 2018-19 Season of Note, contact the Stephen’s Performing Arts Box Office at 208-282-3595 or visit isu.edu/stephens.


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